
460 lines
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namespace explosivebit\arangodb;
use Yii;
use yii\base\InvalidConfigException;
use yii\db\ActiveQueryInterface;
use yii\db\BaseActiveRecord;
use yii\db\StaleObjectException;
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;
use yii\helpers\Inflector;
use yii\helpers\StringHelper;
use triagens\ArangoDb\Document;
abstract class ActiveRecord extends BaseActiveRecord
public function mergeAttribute($name, $value)
$newValue = $this->getAttribute($name);
if (!is_array($newValue)) {
$newValue === null ? [] : [$newValue];
if (is_array($value)) {
$this->setAttribute($name, ArrayHelper::merge($newValue, $value));
} else {
$newValue[] = $value;
$this->setAttribute($name, $newValue);
public static function collectionName()
return Inflector::camel2id(StringHelper::basename(get_called_class()), '_');
* Returns the primary key **name(s)** for this AR class.
* Note that an array should be returned even when the record only has a single primary key.
* For the primary key **value** see [[getPrimaryKey()]] instead.
* @return string[] the primary key name(s) for this AR class.
public static function primaryKey()
return ['_key'];
* Creates an [[ActiveQueryInterface|ActiveQuery]] instance for query purpose.
* The returned [[ActiveQueryInterface|ActiveQuery]] instance can be further customized by calling
* methods defined in [[ActiveQueryInterface]] before `one()` or `all()` is called to return
* populated ActiveRecord instances. For example,
* ```php
* // find the customer whose ID is 1
* $customer = Customer::find()->where(['id' => 1])->one();
* // find all active customers and order them by their age:
* $customers = Customer::find()
* ->where(['status' => 1])
* ->orderBy('age')
* ->all();
* ```
* This method is also called by [[BaseActiveRecord::hasOne()]] and [[BaseActiveRecord::hasMany()]] to
* create a relational query.
* You may override this method to return a customized query. For example,
* ```php
* class Customer extends ActiveRecord
* {
* public static function find()
* {
* // use CustomerQuery instead of the default ActiveQuery
* return new CustomerQuery(get_called_class());
* }
* }
* ```
* The following code shows how to apply a default condition for all queries:
* ```php
* class Customer extends ActiveRecord
* {
* public static function find()
* {
* return parent::find()->where(['deleted' => false]);
* }
* }
* // Use andWhere()/orWhere() to apply the default condition
* // FOR customer IN customer FILTER customer.deleted=:deleted AND customer.age>30 RETURN customer
* $customers = Customer::find()->andWhere('age>30')->all();
* // Use where() to ignore the default condition
* // FOR customer IN customer FILTER customer.age>30 RETURN customer
* $customers = Customer::find()->where('age>30')->all();
* @return ActiveQueryInterface the newly created [[ActiveQueryInterface|ActiveQuery]] instance.
public static function find()
/** @var ActiveQuery $query */
$query = \Yii::createObject(ActiveQuery::className(), [get_called_class()]);
return $query;
* @param ActiveRecord $record
* @param Document|array $row
public static function populateRecord($record, $row)
if ($row instanceof Document) {
$row = $row->getAll();
parent::populateRecord($record, $row);
public function attributes()
$class = new \ReflectionClass($this);
$names = [];
foreach ($class->getProperties(\ReflectionProperty::IS_PUBLIC) as $property) {
if (!$property->isStatic()) {
$names[] = $property->getName();
return $names;
* Inserts the record into the database using the attribute values of this record.
* Usage example:
* ```php
* $customer = new Customer;
* $customer->name = $name;
* $customer->email = $email;
* $customer->insert();
* ```
* @param boolean $runValidation whether to perform validation before saving the record.
* If the validation fails, the record will not be inserted into the database.
* @param array $attributes list of attributes that need to be saved. Defaults to null,
* meaning all attributes that are loaded from DB will be saved.
* @param array $options
* @return boolean whether the attributes are valid and the record is inserted successfully.
public function insert($runValidation = true, $attributes = null, $options = [])
if ($runValidation && !$this->validate($attributes)) {
return false;
$result = $this->insertInternal($attributes, $options);
return $result;
protected function insertInternal($attributes = null, $options = [])
if (!$this->beforeSave(true)) {
return false;
$values = $this->getDirtyAttributes($attributes);
if (empty($values)) {
$currentAttributes = $this->getAttributes();
foreach ($this->primaryKey() as $key) {
$values[$key] = isset($currentAttributes[$key]) ? $currentAttributes[$key] : null;
$newId = static::getDb()->getDocumentHandler()->save(static::collectionName(), $values);
static::populateRecord($this, static::getDb()->getDocument(static::collectionName(), $newId));
$changedAttributes = array_fill_keys(array_keys($values), null);
$this->afterSave(true, $changedAttributes);
return true;
public function update($runValidation = true, $attributeNames = null, $options = [])
if ($runValidation && !$this->validate($attributeNames)) {
return false;
return $this->updateInternal($attributeNames, $options);
protected function updateInternal($attributes = null, $options = [])
if (!$this->beforeSave(false)) {
return false;
$values = $this->getDirtyAttributes($attributes);
if (empty($values)) {
$this->afterSave(false, $values);
return 0;
$condition = $this->getOldPrimaryKey(true);
$lock = $this->optimisticLock();
if ($lock !== null) {
if (!isset($values[$lock])) {
$values[$lock] = $this->$lock + 1;
$condition[$lock] = $this->$lock;
foreach ($values as $key => $attribute) {
$this->setAttribute($key, $attribute);
$rows = (new Query())->options($options)->update(
'_key' => $this->getOldAttribute('_key'),
if ($lock !== null && !$rows) {
throw new StaleObjectException('The object being updated is outdated.');
$changedAttributes = [];
foreach ($values as $name => $value) {
$changedAttributes[$name] = $this->getOldAttribute($name);
$this->setOldAttribute($name, $value);
$this->afterSave(false, $changedAttributes);
return $rows;
* Returns the connection used by this AR class.
* @return Connection the database connection used by this AR class.
public static function getDb()
return \Yii::$app->get('arangodb');
protected static function findByCondition($condition)
/** @var ActiveQuery $query */
$query = static::find();
if (!ArrayHelper::isAssociative($condition)) {
// query by primary key
$primaryKey = static::primaryKey();
if (isset($primaryKey[0])) {
$collection = static::collectionName();
$condition = ["{$collection}.{$primaryKey[0]}" => $condition];
} else {
throw new InvalidConfigException(get_called_class() . ' must have a primary key.');
return $query->andWhere($condition);
* Updates records using the provided attribute values and conditions.
* For example, to change the status to be 1 for all customers whose status is 2:
* ~~~
* Customer::updateAll(['status' => 1], ['status' => '2']);
* ~~~
* @param array $attributes attribute values (name-value pairs) to be saved for the record.
* Unlike [[update()]] these are not going to be validated.
* @param array $condition the condition that matches the records that should get updated.
* Please refer to [[QueryInterface::where()]] on how to specify this parameter.
* An empty condition will match all records.
* @param array $options
* @return integer the number of rows updated
public static function updateAll($attributes, $condition = [], $options = [])
return (new Query())->options($options)->update(static::collectionName(), $attributes, $condition);
* Deletes records using the provided conditions.
* WARNING: If you do not specify any condition, this method will delete ALL rows in the table.
* For example, to delete all customers whose status is 3:
* ~~~
* Customer::deleteAll([status = 3]);
* ~~~
* @param array $condition the condition that matches the records that should get deleted.
* Please refer to [[QueryInterface::where()]] on how to specify this parameter.
* An empty condition will match all records.
* @param array $options
* @return integer the number of rows deleted
public static function deleteAll($condition = [], $options = [])
return (new Query())->options($options)->remove(static::collectionName(), $condition);
public static function truncate()
return static::getDb()->getCollectionHandler()->truncate(static::collectionName());
* Saves the current record.
* This method will call [[insert()]] when [[getIsNewRecord()|isNewRecord]] is true, or [[update()]]
* when [[getIsNewRecord()|isNewRecord]] is false.
* For example, to save a customer record:
* ~~~
* $customer = new Customer; // or $customer = Customer::findOne($id);
* $customer->name = $name;
* $customer->email = $email;
* $customer->save();
* ~~~
* @param boolean $runValidation whether to perform validation before saving the record.
* If the validation fails, the record will not be saved to database. `false` will be returned
* in this case.
* @param array $attributeNames list of attributes that need to be saved. Defaults to null,
* meaning all attributes that are loaded from DB will be saved.
* @param array $options
* @return boolean whether the saving succeeds
public function save($runValidation = true, $attributeNames = null, $options = [])
if ($this->getIsNewRecord()) {
return $this->insert($runValidation, $attributeNames, $options);
} else {
return $this->update($runValidation, $attributeNames, $options) !== false;
* Deletes the record from the database.
* @param array $options
* @return integer|boolean the number of rows deleted, or false if the deletion is unsuccessful for some reason.
* Note that it is possible that the number of rows deleted is 0, even though the deletion execution is successful.
public function delete($options = [])
$result = false;
if ($this->beforeDelete()) {
$result = $this->deleteInternal($options);
return $result;
* @see ActiveRecord::delete()
* @throws StaleObjectException
protected function deleteInternal($options = [])
$condition = $this->getOldPrimaryKey(true);
$lock = $this->optimisticLock();
if ($lock !== null) {
$condition[$lock] = $this->$lock;
$result = (new Query())->options($options)->remove(static::collectionName(), $condition);
if ($lock !== null && !$result) {
throw new StaleObjectException('The object being deleted is outdated.');
return $result;
* Returns a value indicating whether the named attribute has been changed.
* @param string $name the name of the attribute
* @return boolean whether the attribute has been changed
public function isAttributeChanged($name, $depth = 2)
if (is_array($this->getAttribute($name))) {
$new = $this->getAttribute($name);
$old = $this->getOldAttribute($name);
if ($depth < 1) {
$depth = 1;
return self::isArrayChanged($new, $old, $depth);
} else {
return parent::isAttributeChanged($name);
private static function isArrayChanged(&$new, &$old, $depth)
if (is_array($new)) {
if (is_array($old)) {
if (count($new) != count($old)) {
return true;
} else {
$newKeys = array_keys($new);
$oldKeys = array_keys($old);
if (array_merge(array_diff($newKeys, $oldKeys), array_diff($oldKeys, $newKeys))) {
return true;
} else {
if ($depth > 1) {
foreach ($new as $key => $value) {
if (self::isArrayChanged($new[$key], $old[$key], $depth--)) {
return true;
} else {
return true;
} else {
if (is_array($old)) {
return true;
} else {
return (string)$new != (string)$old;
return false;
public function init()
if ($this->scenario === static::SCENARIO_DEFAULT) {
$this->setAttributes($this->defaultValues(), false);
public function defaultValues()
return [];