'tcp://', // authorization type to use (currently supported: 'Basic') ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_AUTH_TYPE => 'Basic', // user for basic authorization ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_AUTH_USER => 'root', // password for basic authorization ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_AUTH_PASSWD => '', // connection persistence on server. can use either 'Close' (one-time connections) or 'Keep-Alive' (re-used connections) ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_CONNECTION => 'Close', // connect timeout in seconds ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_TIMEOUT => 3, // whether or not to reconnect when a keep-alive connection has timed out on server ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_RECONNECT => true, // optionally create new collections when inserting documents ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_CREATE => true, // optionally create new collections when inserting documents ArangoConnectionOptions::OPTION_UPDATE_POLICY => ArangoUpdatePolicy::LAST, ]; private $_collectionHandler = null; private $_documentHandler = null; public function __construct($config=[]) { parent::__construct($config); } public function init() { parent::init(); $this->_connection = new ArangoConnection($this->connectionOptions); $this->_collectionHandler = new \triagens\ArangoDb\CollectionHandler($this->_connection); $this->_documentHandler = new \triagens\ArangoDb\DocumentHandler($this->_connection); } public function getDocument($collection, $id) { return $this->documentHandler()->get($collection, $id); } public function documentHandler() { return $this->_documentHandler; } public function statement($options=[]) { return new Statement($this->_connection, $options); } public function collectionHandler() { return $this->_collectionHandler; } }