# huesos Basis for developing chat-robots with "Web App" technology for Telegram ## Installation ### AnangoDB 1. Create a View in ArangoDB for the document "product" ` "links": { "product": { "fields": { "description": { "analyzers": [ "text_ru" ] } } } } ` 2. Create a Graph with the specified values **Name:** hierarchy **edgeDefinition:** entry **fromCollections:** part, product... **toCollections:** category, part... 3. Create indexes for the "product" collection **Type:** "Inverted Index" **Fields:** title.RU **Analyzer:** "text_ru" **Search field:** true **Name:** title_ru 4. Create a View with the specified values **Name:** products_search **type:** search-alias (you can also use "arangosearch") **indexes:** ` "indexes": [ { "collection": "product", "index": "title_ru" (THIS IS AN EXAMPLE) } ] ` ### NGINX 1. Add this to a NGINX config: `try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php;` 2. Add this to a NGINX config ` location /images { alias /PATH/TO/public/themes/default/images; } ` ## Settings Settings of chat-robot and Web App Make sure you have a "settings" collection (can be created automatically) and at least one document with the "status" parameter set to "active" ` { "status": "active" } ` ### language Language for system messages if user language could not be determined **Value:** en ## Suspensions System of suspensions of chat-robot and Web App Make sure you have a "suspension" collection (can be created automatically) ` { "end": 1726068961, "targets": { "chat-robot": true, "web app": true } "access": { "tester": true, "developer": true }, "description": { "ru": "Разрабатываю каталог, поиск и корзину", "en": "I am developing a catalog, search and cart" } } `