{ "heading": "Partners", "p1": "We partner with organizations and initiatives that align with our mission. Together, we are a united force driven by a shared worldview where there is no place for authoritarian exploitative systems, but where systems promoting equity and democracy thrive.", "subheading1": "Our Partners", "subheading2": "Online", "name": "Name", "location": "Location", "type": "Type", "link": "Link", "description": "Description", "typeGaiasFall": "a place to discuss and organize", "descriptionGaiasFall": "Gaia's Fall is a server that promotes Solarpunk ideals, environmentalism, anarchism, and anti-capitalism. We encourage civil debates, discussions of theories and possibilities, and the creation of communities focused on shaping a better world. It is our official Discord server where we organize and work together." }