(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + (self.location.host || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; r.id = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document); import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, v as validate_slots, c as validate_store, e as component_subscribe, o as onMount, g as globals, f as empty, n as noop, h as detach_dev, j as validate_each_argument, k as element, t as text, l as space, m as add_location, p as attr_dev, q as src_url_equal, r as set_custom_element_data, u as append_dev, w as set_data_dev, x as destroy_each } from './index-d19aafba.js'; import { w as writable } from './index-4664ced0.js'; import { groupsByCountry, addMarkersGroups } from '../../../../../../../../../js/groups.js'; import { loadLocaleContent, getData, sendData } from '../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/serverTools.js'; import '../../../../../../../../../js/components/map-component.js'; /* src\groups-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */ const { Object: Object_1 } = globals; const file = "src\\groups-component.svelte"; function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[9] = list[i][0]; child_ctx[10] = list[i][1]; return child_ctx; } function get_each_context_1(ctx, list, i) { const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); child_ctx[13] = list[i]; return child_ctx; } // (39:4) {#if $loaded==2} function create_if_block(ctx) { let div1; let div0; let h1; let t0_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].groups + ""; let t0; let t1; let img; let img_src_value; let t2; let p0; let t3_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].p1 + ""; let t3; let t4; let h3; let t5_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].subheading1 + ""; let t5; let t6; let map_component; let map_component_callback_value; let t7; let p1; let t8_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0]["map-prompt"] + ""; let t8; let t9; let each_value = Object.entries(groupsByCountry); validate_each_argument(each_value); let each_blocks = []; for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i)); } const block = { c: function create() { div1 = element("div"); div0 = element("div"); h1 = element("h1"); t0 = text(t0_value); t1 = space(); img = element("img"); t2 = space(); p0 = element("p"); t3 = text(t3_value); t4 = space(); h3 = element("h3"); t5 = text(t5_value); t6 = space(); map_component = element("map-component"); t7 = space(); p1 = element("p"); t8 = text(t8_value); t9 = space(); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } add_location(h1, file, 42, 16, 1236); attr_dev(img, "id", "groups-img"); if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = "/img/common/groups.svg")) attr_dev(img, "src", img_src_value); attr_dev(img, "alt", "groups"); add_location(img, file, 43, 16, 1280); attr_dev(p0, "class", "description"); add_location(p0, file, 44, 16, 1361); add_location(h3, file, 45, 16, 1419); set_custom_element_data(map_component, "id", "map"); set_custom_element_data(map_component, "callback", map_component_callback_value = /*func*/ ctx[8]); add_location(map_component, file, 46, 16, 1468); attr_dev(p1, "id", "add-prompt"); add_location(p1, file, 47, 16, 1597); attr_dev(div0, "id", "text-container"); add_location(div0, file, 41, 12, 1193); attr_dev(div1, "id", "container"); add_location(div1, file, 39, 8, 1090); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_dev(target, div1, anchor); append_dev(div1, div0); append_dev(div0, h1); append_dev(h1, t0); append_dev(div0, t1); append_dev(div0, img); append_dev(div0, t2); append_dev(div0, p0); append_dev(p0, t3); append_dev(div0, t4); append_dev(div0, h3); append_dev(h3, t5); append_dev(div0, t6); append_dev(div0, map_component); append_dev(div0, t7); append_dev(div0, p1); append_dev(p1, t8); append_dev(div0, t9); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].m(div0, null); } }, p: function update(ctx, dirty) { if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t0_value !== (t0_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].groups + "")) set_data_dev(t0, t0_value); if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t3_value !== (t3_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].p1 + "")) set_data_dev(t3, t3_value); if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t5_value !== (t5_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].subheading1 + "")) set_data_dev(t5, t5_value); if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && map_component_callback_value !== (map_component_callback_value = /*func*/ ctx[8])) { set_custom_element_data(map_component, "callback", map_component_callback_value); } if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t8_value !== (t8_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0]["map-prompt"] + "")) set_data_dev(t8, t8_value); if (dirty & /*Object, groupsByCountry, $content, getAddress, getCountry*/ 193) { each_value = Object.entries(groupsByCountry); validate_each_argument(each_value); let i; for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { const child_ctx = get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i); if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty); } else { each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(child_ctx); each_blocks[i].c(); each_blocks[i].m(div0, null); } } for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(1); } each_blocks.length = each_value.length; } }, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) detach_dev(div1); destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_if_block.name, type: "if", source: "(39:4) {#if $loaded==2}", ctx }); return block; } // (52:24) {#each groups as group} function create_each_block_1(ctx) { let div; let p0; let b0; let t0_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].location + ""; let t0; let t1; let t2_value = /*getAddress*/ ctx[7](/*group*/ ctx[13]) + ""; let t2; let t3; let p1; let b1; let t4_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].members + ""; let t4; let t5; let t6_value = /*group*/ ctx[13].members + ""; let t6; let t7; let p2; let b2; let t8_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].contact + ""; let t8; let t9; let a; let t10_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0][/*group*/ ctx[13].contact[1]] + ""; let t10; const block = { c: function create() { div = element("div"); p0 = element("p"); b0 = element("b"); t0 = text(t0_value); t1 = text(": "); t2 = text(t2_value); t3 = space(); p1 = element("p"); b1 = element("b"); t4 = text(t4_value); t5 = text(": "); t6 = text(t6_value); t7 = space(); p2 = element("p"); b2 = element("b"); t8 = text(t8_value); t9 = text(": "); a = element("a"); t10 = text(t10_value); add_location(b0, file, 53, 35, 1980); add_location(p0, file, 53, 32, 1977); add_location(b1, file, 54, 35, 2068); add_location(p1, file, 54, 32, 2065); add_location(b2, file, 55, 35, 2151); attr_dev(a, "href", /*group*/ ctx[13].contact[0]); attr_dev(a, "target", ";_blank;"); attr_dev(a, "rel", "noreferrer"); add_location(a, file, 55, 62, 2178); add_location(p2, file, 55, 32, 2148); attr_dev(div, "class", "location-info"); add_location(div, file, 52, 28, 1916); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_dev(target, div, anchor); append_dev(div, p0); append_dev(p0, b0); append_dev(b0, t0); append_dev(b0, t1); append_dev(p0, t2); append_dev(div, t3); append_dev(div, p1); append_dev(p1, b1); append_dev(b1, t4); append_dev(b1, t5); append_dev(p1, t6); append_dev(div, t7); append_dev(div, p2); append_dev(p2, b2); append_dev(b2, t8); append_dev(b2, t9); append_dev(p2, a); append_dev(a, t10); }, p: function update(ctx, dirty) { if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t0_value !== (t0_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].location + "")) set_data_dev(t0, t0_value); if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t4_value !== (t4_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].members + "")) set_data_dev(t4, t4_value); if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t8_value !== (t8_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0].contact + "")) set_data_dev(t8, t8_value); if (dirty & /*$content*/ 1 && t10_value !== (t10_value = /*$content*/ ctx[0][/*group*/ ctx[13].contact[1]] + "")) set_data_dev(t10, t10_value); }, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) detach_dev(div); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_each_block_1.name, type: "each", source: "(52:24) {#each groups as group}", ctx }); return block; } // (49:16) {#each Object.entries(groupsByCountry) as [name,groups]} function create_each_block(ctx) { let h4; let t0_value = /*getCountry*/ ctx[6](/*name*/ ctx[9]) + ""; let t0; let t1; let div; let t2; let each_value_1 = /*groups*/ ctx[10]; validate_each_argument(each_value_1); let each_blocks = []; for (let i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1(get_each_context_1(ctx, each_value_1, i)); } const block = { c: function create() { h4 = element("h4"); t0 = text(t0_value); t1 = space(); div = element("div"); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].c(); } t2 = space(); attr_dev(h4, "class", "country-name"); add_location(h4, file, 49, 20, 1740); attr_dev(div, "class", "country-block"); add_location(div, file, 50, 20, 1810); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_dev(target, h4, anchor); append_dev(h4, t0); insert_dev(target, t1, anchor); insert_dev(target, div, anchor); for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].m(div, null); } append_dev(div, t2); }, p: function update(ctx, dirty) { if (dirty & /*Object, groupsByCountry, $content, getAddress*/ 129) { each_value_1 = /*groups*/ ctx[10]; validate_each_argument(each_value_1); let i; for (i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) { const child_ctx = get_each_context_1(ctx, each_value_1, i); if (each_blocks[i]) { each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty); } else { each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1(child_ctx); each_blocks[i].c(); each_blocks[i].m(div, t2); } } for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { each_blocks[i].d(1); } each_blocks.length = each_value_1.length; } }, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) detach_dev(h4); if (detaching) detach_dev(t1); if (detaching) detach_dev(div); destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_each_block.name, type: "each", source: "(49:16) {#each Object.entries(groupsByCountry) as [name,groups]}", ctx }); return block; } // (38:0) {#key $loaded} function create_key_block(ctx) { let if_block_anchor; let if_block = /*$loaded*/ ctx[1] == 2 && create_if_block(ctx); const block = { c: function create() { if (if_block) if_block.c(); if_block_anchor = empty(); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { if (if_block) if_block.m(target, anchor); insert_dev(target, if_block_anchor, anchor); }, p: function update(ctx, dirty) { if (/*$loaded*/ ctx[1] == 2) { if (if_block) { if_block.p(ctx, dirty); } else { if_block = create_if_block(ctx); if_block.c(); if_block.m(if_block_anchor.parentNode, if_block_anchor); } } else if (if_block) { if_block.d(1); if_block = null; } }, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (if_block) if_block.d(detaching); if (detaching) detach_dev(if_block_anchor); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_key_block.name, type: "key", source: "(38:0) {#key $loaded}", ctx }); return block; } function create_fragment(ctx) { let previous_key = /*$loaded*/ ctx[1]; let key_block_anchor; let key_block = create_key_block(ctx); const block = { c: function create() { key_block.c(); key_block_anchor = empty(); this.c = noop; }, l: function claim(nodes) { throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option"); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { key_block.m(target, anchor); insert_dev(target, key_block_anchor, anchor); }, p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) { if (dirty & /*$loaded*/ 2 && safe_not_equal(previous_key, previous_key = /*$loaded*/ ctx[1])) { key_block.d(1); key_block = create_key_block(ctx); key_block.c(); key_block.m(key_block_anchor.parentNode, key_block_anchor); } else { key_block.p(ctx, dirty); } }, i: noop, o: noop, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) detach_dev(key_block_anchor); key_block.d(detaching); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_fragment.name, type: "component", source: "", ctx }); return block; } function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { let $content; let $loaded; let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; validate_slots('groups-component', slots, []); let loaded = writable(0); validate_store(loaded, 'loaded'); component_subscribe($$self, loaded, value => $$invalidate(1, $loaded = value)); let content = writable({}); validate_store(content, 'content'); component_subscribe($$self, content, value => $$invalidate(0, $content = value)); let locale = loadLocaleContent(content, "groups-component", loaded); loadLocaleContent(content, "countries", loaded); function mapCallbackGroups(createMap, content, locale) { let map = createMap([22, 0], 2); addMarkersGroups(map, content, locale); } function getCountry(name) { return locale == "en" ? name : $content[name]; } function getAddress(group) { return group.location[0].map(x => locale == "en" ? x : $content[x]).join(", "); } onMount(() => { }); const writable_props = []; Object_1.keys($$props).forEach(key => { if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); }); const func = createMap => mapCallbackGroups(createMap, $content, locale); $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ onMount, writable, groupsByCountry, addMarkersGroups, loadLocaleContent, getData, sendData, loaded, content, locale, mapCallbackGroups, getCountry, getAddress, $content, $loaded }); $$self.$inject_state = $$props => { if ('loaded' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, loaded = $$props.loaded); if ('content' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, content = $$props.content); if ('locale' in $$props) $$invalidate(4, locale = $$props.locale); }; if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) { $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject); } return [ $content, $loaded, loaded, content, locale, mapCallbackGroups, getCountry, getAddress, func ]; } class Groups_component extends SvelteElement { constructor(options) { super(); this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``; init( this, { target: this.shadowRoot, props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes), customElement: true }, instance, create_fragment, safe_not_equal, {}, null ); if (options) { if (options.target) { insert_dev(options.target, this, options.anchor); } } } } customElements.define("groups-component", Groups_component); export { Groups_component as default };