(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + (self.location.host || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; r.id = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document); import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, c as validate_slots, e as element, f as space, t as text, C as svg_element, n as noop, g as add_location, j as attr_dev, k as append_dev, w as listen_dev, l as detach_dev } from './index-3e97afc8.js'; /* src\footer\footer-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */ const file = "src\\footer\\footer-component.svelte"; function create_fragment(ctx) { let footer; let div2; let div1; let div0; let h2; let t1; let p0; let t2; let a; let t4; let button; let svg; let g; let rect; let path; let t5; let p1; let mounted; let dispose; const block = { c: function create() { footer = element("footer"); div2 = element("div"); div1 = element("div"); div0 = element("div"); h2 = element("h2"); h2.textContent = "CONTACT US"; t1 = space(); p0 = element("p"); t2 = text("WhatsApp: "); a = element("a"); a.textContent = "group invite link"; t4 = space(); button = element("button"); svg = svg_element("svg"); g = svg_element("g"); rect = svg_element("rect"); path = svg_element("path"); t5 = space(); p1 = element("p"); p1.textContent = "© 2023 A global network of Libertarian Socialists"; this.c = noop; add_location(h2, file, 16, 16, 313); attr_dev(a, "href", "https://chat.whatsapp.com/BhnmUNljUxJ2AjeHUwyTKh"); attr_dev(a, "target", "_blank"); attr_dev(a, "rel", "noreferrer"); add_location(a, file, 18, 29, 454); add_location(p0, file, 18, 16, 441); attr_dev(div0, "id", "contact-us-container"); add_location(div0, file, 15, 12, 264); attr_dev(div1, "id", "footer-grid-content-container"); attr_dev(div1, "class", "logged"); add_location(div1, file, 14, 8, 195); attr_dev(rect, "id", "Rectangle_146"); attr_dev(rect, "data-name", "Rectangle 146"); attr_dev(rect, "width", "11"); attr_dev(rect, "height", "51"); attr_dev(rect, "rx", "5.5"); attr_dev(rect, "transform", "translate(22 24)"); attr_dev(rect, "fill", "#DD1C1A"); add_location(rect, file, 24, 18, 922); attr_dev(path, "id", "Path_1145"); attr_dev(path, "data-name", "Path 1145"); attr_dev(path, "d", "M23.814,4.021a5,5,0,0,1,7.372,0l16.134,17.6c2.94,3.207,1.046,10.4-3.686,8.379S28.02,14.081,28.391,13.524,16.544,27.976,11.366,30,4.741,24.828,7.68,21.621Z"); attr_dev(path, "fill", "#DD1C1A"); add_location(path, file, 25, 18, 1070); attr_dev(g, "id", "Group_268"); attr_dev(g, "data-name", "Group 268"); attr_dev(g, "transform", "translate(-6.177 -2.399)"); add_location(g, file, 23, 16, 825); attr_dev(svg, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"); attr_dev(svg, "width", "42.545"); attr_dev(svg, "height", "72.601"); attr_dev(svg, "viewBox", "0 0 42.545 72.601"); add_location(svg, file, 22, 12, 708); attr_dev(button, "id", "footer-up"); attr_dev(button, "aria-label", "go up"); add_location(button, file, 21, 8, 615); attr_dev(p1, "id", "footer-copyright"); add_location(p1, file, 29, 8, 1389); attr_dev(div2, "id", "footer-content-container"); add_location(div2, file, 13, 4, 150); add_location(footer, file, 12, 0, 136); }, l: function claim(nodes) { throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option"); }, m: function mount(target, anchor) { insert_dev(target, footer, anchor); append_dev(footer, div2); append_dev(div2, div1); append_dev(div1, div0); append_dev(div0, h2); append_dev(div0, t1); append_dev(div0, p0); append_dev(p0, t2); append_dev(p0, a); append_dev(div2, t4); append_dev(div2, button); append_dev(button, svg); append_dev(svg, g); append_dev(g, rect); append_dev(g, path); append_dev(div2, t5); append_dev(div2, p1); if (!mounted) { dispose = listen_dev(button, "click", /*click_handler*/ ctx[0], false, false, false); mounted = true; } }, p: noop, i: noop, o: noop, d: function destroy(detaching) { if (detaching) detach_dev(footer); mounted = false; dispose(); } }; dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { block, id: create_fragment.name, type: "component", source: "", ctx }); return block; } function instance($$self, $$props) { let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; validate_slots('footer-component', slots, []); const writable_props = []; Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => { if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); }); const click_handler = () => { location.href = '#'; }; return [click_handler]; } class Footer_component extends SvelteElement { constructor(options) { super(); this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``; init( this, { target: this.shadowRoot, props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes), customElement: true }, instance, create_fragment, safe_not_equal, {}, null ); if (options) { if (options.target) { insert_dev(options.target, this, options.anchor); } } } } customElements.define("footer-component", Footer_component); export { Footer_component as default };