export let groups = [ { location: [["Canada","Halifax"],[44.65166135030067, -63.59289968306866]], members: 2, contact: ["https://discord.gg/xAPZmyr8B6","DiscordInviteLink"] }, { location: [["Denmark","Copenhagen"],[55.6840661150132, 12.557133959514688]], members: 1, contact: ["https://discord.gg/xAPZmyr8B6","DiscordInviteLink"] }, { location: [["Denmark","Kolding"], [55.49261908652738, 9.470268969851743]], members: 1, contact: ["https://discord.gg/xAPZmyr8B6","DiscordInviteLink"] }, { location: [["Estonia","KohtlaJarve"], [59.40629447076191, 27.280605339416322]], members: 3, contact: ["https://discord.gg/xAPZmyr8B6","DiscordInviteLink"] }, { location: [["Greece","Athens"], [37.94877252621736, 23.677622972996158]], members: 1, contact: ["https://discord.gg/xAPZmyr8B6","DiscordInviteLink"] }, { location: [["Ireland",""], [53.280192832733576, -7.688103518964818]], members: 6, contact: ["https://discord.gg/4BUau4AZre","DiscordInviteLink"] }, { location: [["Latvia","Riga"], [56.94748425529816, 24.003027136431925]], members: 2, contact: ["https://discord.gg/xAPZmyr8B6","DiscordInviteLink"] }, ] export let groupsByCountry = {} for (let g of groups) { let country = g.location[0][0] if (country in groupsByCountry) { groupsByCountry[country].push(g) } else { groupsByCountry[country] = [g] } } let groupsLoaded = false let groupsMarkersLayerOut = L.layerGroup() let groupsMarkersLayerIn = L.layerGroup() let contactGeneral =["https://discord.gg/4BUau4AZre","DiscordInviteLink"] function addMarkerGroups(g,layer,content) { let coordinates let text = "" for (let field in g) { let fieldText = content[field] + ": " if (field=="contact") { text += fieldText + "" + content[g.contact[1]] + "" } else if (field=="location") { let location = g[field][0] let town = location[1]=="" ? "" : ", " + content[location[1]] text += fieldText + content[location[0]] + town + "
" coordinates = g[field][1] } else { text += fieldText + g[field] + "
" } } var markerIcon = new L.Icon({ iconUrl: 'https://www.libsoc.org/img/common/markers/marker-green.png', shadowUrl: 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/leaflet/0.7.7/images/marker-shadow.png', iconSize: [25, 41], iconAnchor: [12, 41], popupAnchor: [1, -34], shadowSize: [41, 41] }) let marker = L.marker(coordinates, {icon: markerIcon}) marker.addTo(layer).bindPopup(text) } export function addMarkersGroups(map,content) { for (let g of groups) { addMarkerGroups(g,groupsMarkersLayerIn,content) } for (let gs of Object.values(groupsByCountry)) { if (gs.length==1) { let g = {...gs[0]} g.location[0][1] = "" addMarkerGroups(g,groupsMarkersLayerOut,content) } else { let locationName = [gs[0].location[0][0],""] let locationCoordinates = [0,0] let members = 0 let contact = gs[0].contact for (let g of gs) { locationCoordinates[0] += g.location[1][0] locationCoordinates[1] += g.location[1][1] members += g.members if (g.contact[0]!=gs[0].contact[0]) { contact = contactGeneral } } locationCoordinates[0] = locationCoordinates[0]/gs.length locationCoordinates[1] = locationCoordinates[1]/gs.length let gNew = { location: [locationName,locationCoordinates], members: members, contact: contact } addMarkerGroups(gNew,groupsMarkersLayerOut,content) } } groupsMarkersLayerOut.addTo(map) map.on("zoomend", () => onZoomEnd(map)) } function onZoomEnd(map) { let zoomLevel = map.getZoom() if (zoomLevel==3) { map.removeLayer(groupsMarkersLayerIn) groupsMarkersLayerOut.addTo(map) } else if (zoomLevel==4) { map.removeLayer(groupsMarkersLayerOut) groupsMarkersLayerIn.addTo(map) } }