diff --git a/Server/app/svelte/src/landing-component.svelte b/Server/app/svelte/src/landing-component.svelte index 3d31694..e051abe 100644 --- a/Server/app/svelte/src/landing-component.svelte +++ b/Server/app/svelte/src/landing-component.svelte @@ -24,22 +24,22 @@
We are people united around a single cause of bringing down authoritarian exploitative systems represented by different forms of capitalism and replacing them with libertarian socialist systems to create a more equitable and democratic world.
+We are people united around a singular cause: bringing down authoritarian exploitative systems represented by various forms of capitalism and replacing them with libertarian socialist systems, with the goal of creating a more equitable and democratic world.
We organize into groups for education, advocacy and mutual aid. We aim to show people how the current politico-economic systems negatively affect our wellbeing, show them the alternatives, and engage in mutual aid to make our life under capitalism easier.
+We organize groups for the purposes of education, advocacy, and mutual aid. Our objective is to demonstrate to people how the current politico-economic systems detrimentally impact our well-being, present them with alternative approaches, and engage in mutual aid to alleviate the challenges of living under capitalism.
We build communities according to libertarian socialist principles where people own their land, their houses, the means of production and use direct democracy to make decisions. We are growing our socialist world one community at a time.
+We establish communities based on libertarian socialist principles, where individuals have ownership of their land, houses, and the means of production as well as make decisions using direct democracy. We are gradually expanding our socialist world, one community at a time.
We create worker cooperatives in order to finance the functioning of our groups and communities. Economic power determines political power, therefore, establishing cooperatives is one of the first steps towards achieving socialism by providing democratic workplaces for workers instead of authoritarian capitalist businesses.
+We form worker cooperatives to finance the operations of our groups and communities. Recognizing that economic power influences political power, we consider the establishment of cooperatives to be one of the initial steps towards achieving socialism.
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WhatsApp: group invite link
1. Are you against dictatorship and in favor of democracy?
\n2. Are you against exploitation of one human being by another?
\n3. Do you agree that we should cooperate and not compete with each other?
\nIf the answer is YES, then you are already a libertarian socialist. JOIN US!
",b=m(),f=s("div"),f.innerHTML='Find our
\nnear you and join to help make a world we both envision a reality.
',y=m(),w=s("p"),w.innerHTML='None of them near you? Not a problem! Join our WhatsApp group and we will help you start your own.',j=m(),x=s("map-component"),this.c=l,p(g,"id","condition-list"),p(f,"id","call-to-action-list"),c(x,"id","map"),c(x,"callback",t[0]),p(n,"id","text-container"),p(a,"id","container")},m(t,r){e(t,o,r),e(t,a,r),h(a,n),h(n,i),h(n,d),h(n,g),h(n,b),h(n,f),h(n,y),h(n,w),h(n,j),h(n,x)},p:l,i:l,o:l,d(t){t&&u(o),t&&u(a)}}}function w(t,o,a){return d((()=>{})),[function(t){let o=t([51.505,-.09],3);g(o),b(o),f(o)}]}class j extends t{constructor(t){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",o(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:a(this.attributes),customElement:!0},w,y,i,{mapCallback:0},null),t&&(t.target&&e(t.target,this,t.anchor),t.props&&(this.$set(t.props),n()))}static get observedAttributes(){return["mapCallback"]}get mapCallback(){return this.$$.ctx[0]}}customElements.define("join-us-component",j);export{j as default}; diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/landing-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/landing-component.js index 72f77af..48c17fe 100644 --- a/Server/public/js/components/landing-component.js +++ b/Server/public/js/components/landing-component.js @@ -1,227 +1 @@ - -(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + (self.location.host || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; r.id = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document); -import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, c as validate_slots, o as onMount, e as element, f as space, n as noop, h as attr_dev, g as add_location, j as src_url_equal, l as append_dev, m as detach_dev } from './index-9ff7cb25.js'; - -/* src\landing-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */ -const file = "src\\landing-component.svelte"; - -function create_fragment(ctx) { - let div5; - let picture; - let source0; - let t0; - let source1; - let t1; - let img0; - let t2; - let div4; - let p0; - let t4; - let div3; - let div0; - let h20; - let t6; - let img1; - let img1_src_value; - let t7; - let p1; - let t9; - let div1; - let h21; - let t11; - let img2; - let img2_src_value; - let t12; - let p2; - let t14; - let div2; - let h22; - let t16; - let img3; - let img3_src_value; - let t17; - let p3; - - const block = { - c: function create() { - div5 = element("div"); - picture = element("picture"); - source0 = element("source"); - t0 = space(); - source1 = element("source"); - t1 = space(); - img0 = element("img"); - t2 = space(); - div4 = element("div"); - p0 = element("p"); - p0.textContent = "We are people united around a single cause of bringing down authoritarian exploitative systems represented by different forms of capitalism and replacing them with libertarian socialist systems to create a more equitable and democratic world."; - t4 = space(); - div3 = element("div"); - div0 = element("div"); - h20 = element("h2"); - h20.textContent = "GROUPS"; - t6 = space(); - img1 = element("img"); - t7 = space(); - p1 = element("p"); - p1.textContent = "We organize into groups for education, advocacy and mutual aid. We aim to show people how the current politico-economic systems negatively affect our wellbeing, show them the alternatives, and engage in mutual aid to make our life under capitalism easier."; - t9 = space(); - div1 = element("div"); - h21 = element("h2"); - h21.textContent = "COMMUNITIES"; - t11 = space(); - img2 = element("img"); - t12 = space(); - p2 = element("p"); - p2.textContent = "We build communities according to libertarian socialist principles where people own their land, their houses, the means of production and use direct democracy to make decisions. We are growing our socialist world one community at a time."; - t14 = space(); - div2 = element("div"); - h22 = element("h2"); - h22.textContent = "COOPERATIVES"; - t16 = space(); - img3 = element("img"); - t17 = space(); - p3 = element("p"); - p3.textContent = "We create worker cooperatives in order to finance the functioning of our groups and communities. Economic power determines political power, therefore, establishing cooperatives is one of the first steps towards achieving socialism by providing democratic workplaces for workers instead of authoritarian capitalist businesses."; - this.c = noop; - attr_dev(source0, "srcset", "/img/crowd.webp"); - add_location(source0, file, 20, 8, 274); - attr_dev(source1, "srcset", "/img/crowd.png"); - add_location(source1, file, 21, 8, 317); - attr_dev(img0, "id", "crowd"); - attr_dev(img0, "alt", "crowd"); - add_location(img0, file, 22, 8, 359); - add_location(picture, file, 19, 4, 255); - add_location(p0, file, 26, 8, 450); - add_location(h20, file, 29, 16, 771); - attr_dev(img1, "id", "groups-img"); - if (!src_url_equal(img1.src, img1_src_value = "/img/common/groups.svg")) attr_dev(img1, "src", img1_src_value); - attr_dev(img1, "alt", "groups"); - add_location(img1, file, 30, 16, 804); - add_location(p1, file, 31, 16, 885); - add_location(div0, file, 28, 12, 748); - add_location(h21, file, 34, 16, 1204); - attr_dev(img2, "id", "communities-img"); - if (!src_url_equal(img2.src, img2_src_value = "/img/common/communities.svg")) attr_dev(img2, "src", img2_src_value); - attr_dev(img2, "alt", "communities"); - add_location(img2, file, 35, 16, 1242); - add_location(p2, file, 36, 16, 1338); - add_location(div1, file, 33, 12, 1181); - add_location(h22, file, 39, 16, 1639); - attr_dev(img3, "id", "coops-img"); - if (!src_url_equal(img3.src, img3_src_value = "/img/common/coops.svg")) attr_dev(img3, "src", img3_src_value); - attr_dev(img3, "alt", "coops"); - add_location(img3, file, 40, 16, 1678); - add_location(p3, file, 41, 16, 1756); - add_location(div2, file, 38, 12, 1616); - attr_dev(div3, "id", "container-grid"); - add_location(div3, file, 27, 8, 709); - attr_dev(div4, "id", "text-container"); - add_location(div4, file, 25, 4, 415); - attr_dev(div5, "id", "container"); - add_location(div5, file, 18, 0, 229); - }, - l: function claim(nodes) { - throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option"); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, div5, anchor); - append_dev(div5, picture); - append_dev(picture, source0); - append_dev(picture, t0); - append_dev(picture, source1); - append_dev(picture, t1); - append_dev(picture, img0); - append_dev(div5, t2); - append_dev(div5, div4); - append_dev(div4, p0); - append_dev(div4, t4); - append_dev(div4, div3); - append_dev(div3, div0); - append_dev(div0, h20); - append_dev(div0, t6); - append_dev(div0, img1); - append_dev(div0, t7); - append_dev(div0, p1); - append_dev(div3, t9); - append_dev(div3, div1); - append_dev(div1, h21); - append_dev(div1, t11); - append_dev(div1, img2); - append_dev(div1, t12); - append_dev(div1, p2); - append_dev(div3, t14); - append_dev(div3, div2); - append_dev(div2, h22); - append_dev(div2, t16); - append_dev(div2, img3); - append_dev(div2, t17); - append_dev(div2, p3); - }, - p: noop, - i: noop, - o: noop, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(div5); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id: create_fragment.name, - type: "component", - source: "", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { - let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; - validate_slots('landing-component', slots, []); - - onMount(() => { - - }); - - const writable_props = []; - - Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => { - if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(`We are people united around a singular cause: bringing down authoritarian exploitative systems represented by various forms of capitalism and replacing them with libertarian socialist systems, with the goal of creating a more equitable and democratic world.
\nWe organize groups for the purposes of education, advocacy, and mutual aid. Our objective is to demonstrate to people how the current politico-economic systems detrimentally impact our well-being, present them with alternative approaches, and engage in mutual aid to alleviate the challenges of living under capitalism.
We establish communities based on libertarian socialist principles, where individuals have ownership of their land, houses, and the means of production as well as make decisions using direct democracy. We are gradually expanding our socialist world, one community at a time.
We form worker cooperatives to finance the operations of our groups and communities. Recognizing that economic power influences political power, we consider the establishment of cooperatives to be one of the initial steps towards achieving socialism.