From 0dc27e1c3724f9fc080555004f0feba9afa9f0a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: a-ill Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2023 16:46:45 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] Update --- Server/config/env/prod.jl | 2 +- .../js/components/communities-component.js | 299 +------- Server/public/js/components/cookies-dialog.js | 100 +-- .../js/components/cooperatives-component.js | 415 +---------- .../public/js/components/footer-component.js | 189 +---- .../public/js/components/groups-component.js | 308 +------- Server/public/js/components/index-04d7984b.js | 1 + .../public/js/components/join-us-component.js | 295 +------- .../public/js/components/landing-component.js | 171 +---- .../public/js/components/legend-component.js | 363 +--------- .../js/components/loadscreen-component.js | 116 +-- .../js/components/manifesto-component.js | 672 +----------------- Server/public/js/components/map-component.js | 153 +--- .../public/js/components/navbar-component.js | 266 +------ Server/public/js/components/pane-aligner.js | 305 +------- .../public/js/components/select-component.js | 594 +--------------- .../public/js/components/switch-component.js | 210 +----- 17 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 4442 deletions(-) create mode 100644 Server/public/js/components/index-04d7984b.js diff --git a/Server/config/env/prod.jl b/Server/config/env/prod.jl index 23ee1bf..a2f3458 100644 --- a/Server/config/env/prod.jl +++ b/Server/config/env/prod.jl @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ using Genie, Logging Genie.Configuration.config!( - server_port = 8000, + server_port = 8001, server_host = "", log_level = Logging.Error, log_to_file = false, diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/communities-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/communities-component.js index 8d32135..f87cd09 100644 --- a/Server/public/js/components/communities-component.js +++ b/Server/public/js/components/communities-component.js @@ -1,298 +1 @@ - -(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document); -import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, s as safe_not_equal, v as validate_each_argument, d as dispatch_dev, c as validate_slots, o as onMount, e as element, f as space, n as noop, g as add_location, h as set_custom_element_data, j as attr_dev, k as append_dev, l as detach_dev, m as destroy_each, t as text } from './index-3e97afc8.js'; -import { communities, addMarkersCommunities } from '../../../../../../../../../js/communities.js'; -import '../../../../../../../../../js/components/map-component.js'; - -/* src\communities-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */ - -const file = "src\\communities-component.svelte"; - -function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) { - const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); - child_ctx[1] = list[i]; - return child_ctx; -} - -// (31:8) {#each communities as community} -function create_each_block(ctx) { - let div; - let p0; - let b0; - let t1_value = /*community*/ ctx[1].location[0] + ""; - let t1; - let t2; - let p1; - let b1; - let t4_value = /*community*/ ctx[1].status + ""; - let t4; - let t5; - let p2; - let b2; - let t7_value = /*community*/ ctx[1].members + ""; - let t7; - let t8; - let p3; - let b3; - let a; - let t10_value = /*community*/ ctx[1].contact[1] + ""; - let t10; - let t11; - - const block = { - c: function create() { - div = element("div"); - p0 = element("p"); - b0 = element("b"); - b0.textContent = "Location: "; - t1 = text(t1_value); - t2 = space(); - p1 = element("p"); - b1 = element("b"); - b1.textContent = "Status: "; - t4 = text(t4_value); - t5 = space(); - p2 = element("p"); - b2 = element("b"); - b2.textContent = "Members: "; - t7 = text(t7_value); - t8 = space(); - p3 = element("p"); - b3 = element("b"); - b3.textContent = "Contact: "; - a = element("a"); - t10 = text(t10_value); - t11 = space(); - add_location(b0, file, 32, 19, 1709); - add_location(p0, file, 32, 16, 1706); - add_location(b1, file, 33, 19, 1774); - add_location(p1, file, 33, 16, 1771); - add_location(b2, file, 34, 19, 1832); - add_location(p2, file, 34, 16, 1829); - add_location(b3, file, 35, 19, 1892); - attr_dev(a, "href", /*community*/ ctx[1].contact[0]); - attr_dev(a, "target", ";_blank;"); - attr_dev(a, "rel", "noreferrer"); - add_location(a, file, 35, 35, 1908); - add_location(p3, file, 35, 16, 1889); - attr_dev(div, "class", "location-info"); - add_location(div, file, 31, 12, 1661); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, div, anchor); - append_dev(div, p0); - append_dev(p0, b0); - append_dev(p0, t1); - append_dev(div, t2); - append_dev(div, p1); - append_dev(p1, b1); - append_dev(p1, t4); - append_dev(div, t5); - append_dev(div, p2); - append_dev(p2, b2); - append_dev(p2, t7); - append_dev(div, t8); - append_dev(div, p3); - append_dev(p3, b3); - append_dev(p3, a); - append_dev(a, t10); - append_dev(div, t11); - }, - p: noop, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(div); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "each", - source: "(31:8) {#each communities as community}", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -function create_fragment(ctx) { - let div1; - let div0; - let h1; - let t1; - let p; - let t3; - let h3; - let t5; - let map_component; - let t6; - let h4; - let t8; - let each_value = communities; - validate_each_argument(each_value); - let each_blocks = []; - - for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i)); - } - - const block = { - c: function create() { - div1 = element("div"); - div0 = element("div"); - h1 = element("h1"); - h1.textContent = "Communities"; - t1 = space(); - p = element("p"); - p.textContent = "We build libertarian socialist communities by buying land, housing and the means of production which are then owned by the members of these communities. There is no private property within the communities and, therefore, exploitation and suffering that comes with it. Decisions are made through direct democracy with a focus on consensus ensuring that each community member has power over decisions that affect their life. Communities try to establish their own cooperatives in order to finance their development becoming financially independent and sustainable, which allows for their survival and growth. Within communities the gift economy is utilized whenever possible. Each community is a small beacon of socialism within the dark capitalist world showing us how good life can be if only we achieve our goal."; - t3 = space(); - h3 = element("h3"); - h3.textContent = "Our communities"; - t5 = space(); - map_component = element("map-component"); - t6 = space(); - h4 = element("h4"); - h4.textContent = "Europe"; - t8 = space(); - - for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i].c(); - } - - this.c = noop; - add_location(h1, file, 25, 8, 612); - add_location(p, file, 26, 8, 642); - add_location(h3, file, 27, 8, 1472); - set_custom_element_data(map_component, "id", "map"); - set_custom_element_data(map_component, "callback", /*mapCallbackCommunities*/ ctx[0]); - add_location(map_component, file, 28, 8, 1506); - add_location(h4, file, 29, 8, 1590); - attr_dev(div0, "id", "text-container"); - add_location(div0, file, 24, 4, 577); - attr_dev(div1, "id", "container"); - add_location(div1, file, 22, 0, 490); - }, - l: function claim(nodes) { - throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option"); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, div1, anchor); - append_dev(div1, div0); - append_dev(div0, h1); - append_dev(div0, t1); - append_dev(div0, p); - append_dev(div0, t3); - append_dev(div0, h3); - append_dev(div0, t5); - append_dev(div0, map_component); - append_dev(div0, t6); - append_dev(div0, h4); - append_dev(div0, t8); - - for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i].m(div0, null); - } - }, - p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) { - if (dirty & /*communities*/ 0) { - each_value = communities; - validate_each_argument(each_value); - let i; - - for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { - const child_ctx = get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i); - - if (each_blocks[i]) { - each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty); - } else { - each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(child_ctx); - each_blocks[i].c(); - each_blocks[i].m(div0, null); - } - } - - for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i].d(1); - } - - each_blocks.length = each_value.length; - } - }, - i: noop, - o: noop, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(div1); - destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "component", - source: "", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { - let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; - validate_slots('communities-component', slots, []); - - function mapCallbackCommunities(createMap) { - let map = createMap([51.505, -0.09], 3); - addMarkersCommunities(map); - } - - onMount(() => { - - }); - - const writable_props = []; - - Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => { - if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); - }); - - $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ - onMount, - communities, - addMarkersCommunities, - mapCallbackCommunities - }); - - return [mapCallbackCommunities]; -} - -class Communities_component extends SvelteElement { - constructor(options) { - super(); - this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``; - - init( - this, - { - target: this.shadowRoot, - props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes), - customElement: true - }, - instance, - create_fragment, - safe_not_equal, - {}, - null - ); - - if (options) { - if ( { - insert_dev(, this, options.anchor); - } - } - } -} - -customElements.define("communities-component", Communities_component); - -export { Communities_component as default }; +import{S as t,i as e,a as n,b as o,s as i,e as a,c as r,n as s,d as m,f as c,g as h,h as l,j as u,o as d,t as p}from"./index-04d7984b.js";import{communities as f,addMarkersCommunities as g}from"../../../../../../../../../js/communities.js";import"../../../../../../../../../js/components/map-component.js";function b(t,e,n){const o=t.slice();return o[1]=e[n],o}function w(t){let e,n,i,m,u,d,f,g,b,w,x,v,y,C,j,z,E,k,D=t[1].location[0]+"",L=t[1].status+"",M=t[1].members+"",R=t[1].contact[1]+"";return{c(){e=a("div"),n=a("p"),i=a("b"),i.textContent="Location: ",m=p(D),u=r(),d=a("p"),f=a("b"),f.textContent="Status: ",g=p(L),b=r(),w=a("p"),x=a("b"),x.textContent="Members: ",v=p(M),y=r(),C=a("p"),j=a("b"),j.textContent="Contact: ",z=a("a"),E=p(R),k=r(),c(z,"href",t[1].contact[0]),c(z,"target",";_blank;"),c(z,"rel","noreferrer"),c(e,"class","location-info")},m(t,a){o(t,e,a),h(e,n),h(n,i),h(n,m),h(e,u),h(e,d),h(d,f),h(d,g),h(e,b),h(e,w),h(w,x),h(w,v),h(e,y),h(e,C),h(C,j),h(C,z),h(z,E),h(e,k)},p:s,d(t){t&&l(e)}}}function x(t){let e,n,i,d,p,g,x,v,y,C,j,z,E=f,k=[];for(let e=0;e{})),[function(t){let e=t([51.505,-.09],3);g(e)}]}class y extends t{constructor(t){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",e(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:n(this.attributes),customElement:!0},v,x,i,{},null),t&&,this,t.anchor)}}customElements.define("communities-component",y);export{y as default}; diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/cookies-dialog.js b/Server/public/js/components/cookies-dialog.js index a268bc7..be204b2 100644 --- a/Server/public/js/components/cookies-dialog.js +++ b/Server/public/js/components/cookies-dialog.js @@ -1,99 +1 @@ - -(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document); -import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, c as validate_slots, o as onMount, e as element, n as noop, g as add_location, j as attr_dev, k as append_dev, l as detach_dev } from './index-3e97afc8.js'; - -/* src\components\cookies-dialog.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */ -const file = "src\\components\\cookies-dialog.svelte"; - -function create_fragment(ctx) { - let div1; - let div0; - let p; - - const block = { - c: function create() { - div1 = element("div"); - div0 = element("div"); - p = element("p"); - p.textContent = "We use cookies to improve your experience, personalise your content and analyse site usage. By clicking “OK”, you agree to the use of cookies."; - this.c = noop; - add_location(p, file, 19, 8, 248); - add_location(div0, file, 18, 4, 233); - attr_dev(div1, "id", "wrapper"); - add_location(div1, file, 17, 0, 209); - }, - l: function claim(nodes) { - throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option"); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, div1, anchor); - append_dev(div1, div0); - append_dev(div0, p); - }, - p: noop, - i: noop, - o: noop, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(div1); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "component", - source: "", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { - let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; - validate_slots('cookies-dialog', slots, []); - - onMount(() => { - - }); - - const writable_props = []; - - Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => { - if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); - }); - - $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ onMount }); - return []; -} - -class Cookies_dialog extends SvelteElement { - constructor(options) { - super(); - this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``; - - init( - this, - { - target: this.shadowRoot, - props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes), - customElement: true - }, - instance, - create_fragment, - safe_not_equal, - {}, - null - ); - - if (options) { - if ( { - insert_dev(, this, options.anchor); - } - } - } -} - -customElements.define("cookies-dialog", Cookies_dialog); - -export { Cookies_dialog as default }; +import{S as e,i as s,a as t,b as o,s as i,e as a,n as r,f as n,h as c,o as d}from"./index-04d7984b.js";function p(e){let s;return{c(){s=a("div"),s.innerHTML="

We use cookies to improve your experience, personalise your content and analyse site usage. By clicking “OK”, you agree to the use of cookies.

",this.c=r,n(s,"id","wrapper")},m(e,t){o(e,s,t)},p:r,i:r,o:r,d(e){e&&c(s)}}}function u(e){return d((()=>{})),[]}class h extends e{constructor(e){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",s(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:t(this.attributes),customElement:!0},u,p,i,{},null),e&&,this,e.anchor)}}customElements.define("cookies-dialog",h);export{h as default}; diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/cooperatives-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/cooperatives-component.js index 85dccd6..04b8661 100644 --- a/Server/public/js/components/cooperatives-component.js +++ b/Server/public/js/components/cooperatives-component.js @@ -1,414 +1 @@ - -(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document); -import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, s as safe_not_equal, v as validate_each_argument, d as dispatch_dev, c as validate_slots, o as onMount, e as element, f as space, n as noop, g as add_location, h as set_custom_element_data, j as attr_dev, k as append_dev, l as detach_dev, m as destroy_each, t as text } from './index-3e97afc8.js'; -import { coops, addMarkersCoops } from '../../../../../../../../../js/coops.js'; -import '../../../../../../../../../js/components/map-component.js'; - -/* src\cooperatives-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */ - -const file = "src\\cooperatives-component.svelte"; - -function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) { - const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); - child_ctx[1] = list[i]; - return child_ctx; -} - -// (31:8) {#each coops as coop} -function create_each_block(ctx) { - let div2; - let div1; - let div0; - let p0; - let b0; - let t1_value = /*coop*/ ctx[1].name + ""; - let t1; - let t2; - let p1; - let b1; - let t4_value = /*coop*/ ctx[1].lcoation + ""; - let t4; - let t5; - let p2; - let b2; - let t7_value = /*coop*/ ctx[1].market + ""; - let t7; - let t8; - let p3; - let b3; - let t10_value = /*coop*/ ctx[1].workers + ""; - let t10; - let t11; - let p4; - let b4; - let t13_value = /*coop*/ ctx[1].status + ""; - let t13; - let t14; - let p5; - let b5; - let a0; - let t16_value = /*coop*/ ctx[1].website + ""; - let t16; - let t17; - let p6; - let b6; - let a1; - let t19_value = /*coop*/ ctx[1].contact[1] + ""; - let t19; - let t20; - let picture; - let source0; - let t21; - let source1; - let t22; - let img; - let t23; - let p7; - let b7; - let t25_value = /*coop*/ ctx[1].description + ""; - let t25; - let t26; - - const block = { - c: function create() { - div2 = element("div"); - div1 = element("div"); - div0 = element("div"); - p0 = element("p"); - b0 = element("b"); - b0.textContent = "Name: "; - t1 = text(t1_value); - t2 = space(); - p1 = element("p"); - b1 = element("b"); - b1.textContent = "Location: "; - t4 = text(t4_value); - t5 = space(); - p2 = element("p"); - b2 = element("b"); - b2.textContent = "Market: "; - t7 = text(t7_value); - t8 = space(); - p3 = element("p"); - b3 = element("b"); - b3.textContent = "Workers: "; - t10 = text(t10_value); - t11 = space(); - p4 = element("p"); - b4 = element("b"); - b4.textContent = "Status: "; - t13 = text(t13_value); - t14 = space(); - p5 = element("p"); - b5 = element("b"); - b5.textContent = "Website: "; - a0 = element("a"); - t16 = text(t16_value); - t17 = space(); - p6 = element("p"); - b6 = element("b"); - b6.textContent = "Contact: "; - a1 = element("a"); - t19 = text(t19_value); - t20 = space(); - picture = element("picture"); - source0 = element("source"); - t21 = space(); - source1 = element("source"); - t22 = space(); - img = element("img"); - t23 = space(); - p7 = element("p"); - b7 = element("b"); - b7.textContent = "Description: "; - t25 = text(t25_value); - t26 = space(); - add_location(b0, file, 34, 27, 2299); - add_location(p0, file, 34, 24, 2296); - add_location(b1, file, 35, 27, 2356); - add_location(p1, file, 35, 24, 2353); - add_location(b2, file, 36, 27, 2421); - add_location(p2, file, 36, 24, 2418); - add_location(b3, file, 37, 27, 2482); - add_location(p3, file, 37, 24, 2479); - add_location(b4, file, 38, 27, 2545); - add_location(p4, file, 38, 24, 2542); - add_location(b5, file, 39, 27, 2606); - attr_dev(a0, "href", "https://www." + /*coop*/ ctx[1].website); - attr_dev(a0, "target", "_blank"); - attr_dev(a0, "rel", "noreferrer"); - add_location(a0, file, 39, 43, 2622); - add_location(p5, file, 39, 24, 2603); - add_location(b6, file, 40, 27, 2742); - attr_dev(a1, "href", /*coop*/ ctx[1].contact[0]); - attr_dev(a1, "target", ";_blank;"); - attr_dev(a1, "rel", "noreferrer"); - add_location(a1, file, 40, 43, 2758); - add_location(p6, file, 40, 24, 2739); - add_location(div0, file, 33, 20, 2265); - attr_dev(source0, "srcset", "/img/coops/" + /*coop*/ ctx[1].logo + ".webp"); - add_location(source0, file, 43, 24, 2925); - attr_dev(source1, "srcset", "/img/coops/" + /*coop*/ ctx[1].logo + ".png"); - add_location(source1, file, 44, 24, 3000); - attr_dev(img, "class", "coop-logo"); - attr_dev(img, "alt", "logo"); - add_location(img, file, 45, 24, 3074); - add_location(picture, file, 42, 20, 2890); - add_location(div1, file, 32, 16, 2238); - add_location(b7, file, 48, 19, 3185); - add_location(p7, file, 48, 16, 3182); - attr_dev(div2, "class", "location-info"); - add_location(div2, file, 31, 12, 2193); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, div2, anchor); - append_dev(div2, div1); - append_dev(div1, div0); - append_dev(div0, p0); - append_dev(p0, b0); - append_dev(p0, t1); - append_dev(div0, t2); - append_dev(div0, p1); - append_dev(p1, b1); - append_dev(p1, t4); - append_dev(div0, t5); - append_dev(div0, p2); - append_dev(p2, b2); - append_dev(p2, t7); - append_dev(div0, t8); - append_dev(div0, p3); - append_dev(p3, b3); - append_dev(p3, t10); - append_dev(div0, t11); - append_dev(div0, p4); - append_dev(p4, b4); - append_dev(p4, t13); - append_dev(div0, t14); - append_dev(div0, p5); - append_dev(p5, b5); - append_dev(p5, a0); - append_dev(a0, t16); - append_dev(div0, t17); - append_dev(div0, p6); - append_dev(p6, b6); - append_dev(p6, a1); - append_dev(a1, t19); - append_dev(div1, t20); - append_dev(div1, picture); - append_dev(picture, source0); - append_dev(picture, t21); - append_dev(picture, source1); - append_dev(picture, t22); - append_dev(picture, img); - append_dev(div2, t23); - append_dev(div2, p7); - append_dev(p7, b7); - append_dev(p7, t25); - append_dev(div2, t26); - }, - p: noop, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(div2); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "each", - source: "(31:8) {#each coops as coop}", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -function create_fragment(ctx) { - let div1; - let div0; - let h1; - let t1; - let p0; - let t3; - let p1; - let t5; - let h3; - let t7; - let map_component; - let t8; - let h4; - let t10; - let each_value = coops; - validate_each_argument(each_value); - let each_blocks = []; - - for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i)); - } - - const block = { - c: function create() { - div1 = element("div"); - div0 = element("div"); - h1 = element("h1"); - h1.textContent = "Cooperatives"; - t1 = space(); - p0 = element("p"); - p0.textContent = "We create worker cooperatives that embody a transformative business model in which the workers themselves own and democratically control the enterprise. In these cooperatives, each employee has a say in decision-making, and profits are shared based on individual contributions. This participatory structure fosters a sense of ownership, motivation, and job satisfaction among workers, resulting in a more fulfilling and empowering work experience. Moreover, worker cooperatives promote economic equity by distributing profits more equitably among all workers, challenging the concentration of wealth seen in traditional capitalist enterprises."; - t3 = space(); - p1 = element("p"); - p1.textContent = "Worker cooperatives prioritize the well-being of their workers, striving for fair wages, safe working conditions, and a healthy work-life balance. By placing the needs of workers at the forefront, these cooperatives create supportive and sustainable work environments that promote social cohesion and job security. Furthermore, worker cooperatives adopt long-term perspectives and prioritize the interests of their local communities. With decision-making power vested in the workers themselves, cooperatives are less inclined to pursue short-term profit-maximization strategies that harm workers and communities. Instead, they reinvest their profits locally, contributing to the development and resilience of their communities."; - t5 = space(); - h3 = element("h3"); - h3.textContent = "Our cooperatives"; - t7 = space(); - map_component = element("map-component"); - t8 = space(); - h4 = element("h4"); - h4.textContent = "Europe"; - t10 = space(); - - for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i].c(); - } - - this.c = noop; - add_location(h1, file, 24, 8, 585); - add_location(p0, file, 25, 8, 616); - add_location(p1, file, 26, 8, 1276); - add_location(h3, file, 27, 8, 2020); - set_custom_element_data(map_component, "id", "map"); - set_custom_element_data(map_component, "callback", /*mapCallbackCoops*/ ctx[0]); - add_location(map_component, file, 28, 8, 2055); - add_location(h4, file, 29, 8, 2133); - attr_dev(div0, "id", "text-container"); - add_location(div0, file, 23, 4, 550); - attr_dev(div1, "id", "container"); - add_location(div1, file, 21, 0, 463); - }, - l: function claim(nodes) { - throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option"); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, div1, anchor); - append_dev(div1, div0); - append_dev(div0, h1); - append_dev(div0, t1); - append_dev(div0, p0); - append_dev(div0, t3); - append_dev(div0, p1); - append_dev(div0, t5); - append_dev(div0, h3); - append_dev(div0, t7); - append_dev(div0, map_component); - append_dev(div0, t8); - append_dev(div0, h4); - append_dev(div0, t10); - - for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i].m(div0, null); - } - }, - p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) { - if (dirty & /*coops*/ 0) { - each_value = coops; - validate_each_argument(each_value); - let i; - - for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { - const child_ctx = get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i); - - if (each_blocks[i]) { - each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty); - } else { - each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(child_ctx); - each_blocks[i].c(); - each_blocks[i].m(div0, null); - } - } - - for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i].d(1); - } - - each_blocks.length = each_value.length; - } - }, - i: noop, - o: noop, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(div1); - destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "component", - source: "", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { - let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; - validate_slots('cooperatives-component', slots, []); - - function mapCallbackCoops(createMap) { - let map = createMap([51.505, -0.09], 3); - addMarkersCoops(map); - } - - onMount(() => { - - }); - - const writable_props = []; - - Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => { - if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); - }); - - $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ - onMount, - coops, - addMarkersCoops, - mapCallbackCoops - }); - - return [mapCallbackCoops]; -} - -class Cooperatives_component extends SvelteElement { - constructor(options) { - super(); - this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``; - - init( - this, - { - target: this.shadowRoot, - props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes), - customElement: true - }, - instance, - create_fragment, - safe_not_equal, - {}, - null - ); - - if (options) { - if ( { - insert_dev(, this, options.anchor); - } - } - } -} - -customElements.define("cooperatives-component", Cooperatives_component); - -export { Cooperatives_component as default }; +import{S as t,i as e,a as o,b as n,s as i,e as r,c as a,n as s,d as c,f as m,g as l,h as p,j as h,o as g,t as d}from"./index-04d7984b.js";import{coops as f,addMarkersCoops as u}from"../../../../../../../../../js/coops.js";import"../../../../../../../../../js/components/map-component.js";function b(t,e,o){const n=t.slice();return n[1]=e[o],n}function w(t){let e,o,i,c,h,g,f,u,b,w,v,x,k,y,C,j,z,W,D,E,M,q,I,L,R,S,T,_,A,B,F,H,N,O,G,J,K,P,Q,U,V,X,Y,Z,$=t[1].name+"",tt=t[1].lcoation+"",et=t[1].market+"",ot=t[1].workers+"",nt=t[1].status+"",it=t[1].website+"",rt=t[1].contact[1]+"",at=t[1].description+"";return{c(){e=r("div"),o=r("div"),i=r("div"),c=r("p"),h=r("b"),h.textContent="Name: ",g=d($),f=a(),u=r("p"),b=r("b"),b.textContent="Location: ",w=d(tt),v=a(),x=r("p"),k=r("b"),k.textContent="Market: ",y=d(et),C=a(),j=r("p"),z=r("b"),z.textContent="Workers: ",W=d(ot),D=a(),E=r("p"),M=r("b"),M.textContent="Status: ",q=d(nt),I=a(),L=r("p"),R=r("b"),R.textContent="Website: ",S=r("a"),T=d(it),_=a(),A=r("p"),B=r("b"),B.textContent="Contact: ",F=r("a"),H=d(rt),N=a(),O=r("picture"),G=r("source"),J=a(),K=r("source"),P=a(),Q=r("img"),U=a(),V=r("p"),X=r("b"),X.textContent="Description: ",Y=d(at),Z=a(),m(S,"href","https://www."+t[1].website),m(S,"target","_blank"),m(S,"rel","noreferrer"),m(F,"href",t[1].contact[0]),m(F,"target",";_blank;"),m(F,"rel","noreferrer"),m(G,"srcset","/img/coops/"+t[1].logo+".webp"),m(K,"srcset","/img/coops/"+t[1].logo+".png"),m(Q,"class","coop-logo"),m(Q,"alt","logo"),m(e,"class","location-info")},m(t,r){n(t,e,r),l(e,o),l(o,i),l(i,c),l(c,h),l(c,g),l(i,f),l(i,u),l(u,b),l(u,w),l(i,v),l(i,x),l(x,k),l(x,y),l(i,C),l(i,j),l(j,z),l(j,W),l(i,D),l(i,E),l(E,M),l(E,q),l(i,I),l(i,L),l(L,R),l(L,S),l(S,T),l(i,_),l(i,A),l(A,B),l(A,F),l(F,H),l(o,N),l(o,O),l(O,G),l(O,J),l(O,K),l(O,P),l(O,Q),l(e,U),l(e,V),l(V,X),l(V,Y),l(e,Z)},p:s,d(t){t&&p(e)}}}function v(t){let e,o,i,g,d,u,v,x,k,y,C,j,z,W,D=f,E=[];for(let e=0;e{})),[function(t){let e=t([51.505,-.09],3);u(e)}]}class k extends t{constructor(t){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",e(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:o(this.attributes),customElement:!0},x,v,i,{},null),t&&,this,t.anchor)}}customElements.define("cooperatives-component",k);export{k as default}; diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/footer-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/footer-component.js index d845050..3c08cc0 100644 --- a/Server/public/js/components/footer-component.js +++ b/Server/public/js/components/footer-component.js @@ -1,188 +1 @@ - -(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document); -import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, c as validate_slots, e as element, f as space, t as text, C as svg_element, n as noop, g as add_location, j as attr_dev, k as append_dev, w as listen_dev, l as detach_dev } from './index-3e97afc8.js'; - -/* src\footer\footer-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */ - -const file = "src\\footer\\footer-component.svelte"; - -function create_fragment(ctx) { - let footer; - let div2; - let div1; - let div0; - let h2; - let t1; - let p0; - let t2; - let a; - let t4; - let button; - let svg; - let g; - let rect; - let path; - let t5; - let p1; - let mounted; - let dispose; - - const block = { - c: function create() { - footer = element("footer"); - div2 = element("div"); - div1 = element("div"); - div0 = element("div"); - h2 = element("h2"); - h2.textContent = "CONTACT US"; - t1 = space(); - p0 = element("p"); - t2 = text("WhatsApp: "); - a = element("a"); - a.textContent = "group invite link"; - t4 = space(); - button = element("button"); - svg = svg_element("svg"); - g = svg_element("g"); - rect = svg_element("rect"); - path = svg_element("path"); - t5 = space(); - p1 = element("p"); - p1.textContent = "© 2023 A global network of Libertarian Socialists"; - this.c = noop; - add_location(h2, file, 16, 16, 313); - attr_dev(a, "href", ""); - attr_dev(a, "target", "_blank"); - attr_dev(a, "rel", "noreferrer"); - add_location(a, file, 18, 29, 454); - add_location(p0, file, 18, 16, 441); - attr_dev(div0, "id", "contact-us-container"); - add_location(div0, file, 15, 12, 264); - attr_dev(div1, "id", "footer-grid-content-container"); - attr_dev(div1, "class", "logged"); - add_location(div1, file, 14, 8, 195); - attr_dev(rect, "id", "Rectangle_146"); - attr_dev(rect, "data-name", "Rectangle 146"); - attr_dev(rect, "width", "11"); - attr_dev(rect, "height", "51"); - attr_dev(rect, "rx", "5.5"); - attr_dev(rect, "transform", "translate(22 24)"); - attr_dev(rect, "fill", "#DD1C1A"); - add_location(rect, file, 24, 18, 922); - attr_dev(path, "id", "Path_1145"); - attr_dev(path, "data-name", "Path 1145"); - attr_dev(path, "d", "M23.814,4.021a5,5,0,0,1,7.372,0l16.134,17.6c2.94,3.207,1.046,10.4-3.686,8.379S28.02,14.081,28.391,13.524,16.544,27.976,11.366,30,4.741,24.828,7.68,21.621Z"); - attr_dev(path, "fill", "#DD1C1A"); - add_location(path, file, 25, 18, 1070); - attr_dev(g, "id", "Group_268"); - attr_dev(g, "data-name", "Group 268"); - attr_dev(g, "transform", "translate(-6.177 -2.399)"); - add_location(g, file, 23, 16, 825); - attr_dev(svg, "xmlns", ""); - attr_dev(svg, "width", "42.545"); - attr_dev(svg, "height", "72.601"); - attr_dev(svg, "viewBox", "0 0 42.545 72.601"); - add_location(svg, file, 22, 12, 708); - attr_dev(button, "id", "footer-up"); - attr_dev(button, "aria-label", "go up"); - add_location(button, file, 21, 8, 615); - attr_dev(p1, "id", "footer-copyright"); - add_location(p1, file, 29, 8, 1389); - attr_dev(div2, "id", "footer-content-container"); - add_location(div2, file, 13, 4, 150); - add_location(footer, file, 12, 0, 136); - }, - l: function claim(nodes) { - throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option"); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, footer, anchor); - append_dev(footer, div2); - append_dev(div2, div1); - append_dev(div1, div0); - append_dev(div0, h2); - append_dev(div0, t1); - append_dev(div0, p0); - append_dev(p0, t2); - append_dev(p0, a); - append_dev(div2, t4); - append_dev(div2, button); - append_dev(button, svg); - append_dev(svg, g); - append_dev(g, rect); - append_dev(g, path); - append_dev(div2, t5); - append_dev(div2, p1); - - if (!mounted) { - dispose = listen_dev(button, "click", /*click_handler*/ ctx[0], false, false, false); - mounted = true; - } - }, - p: noop, - i: noop, - o: noop, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(footer); - mounted = false; - dispose(); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "component", - source: "", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -function instance($$self, $$props) { - let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; - validate_slots('footer-component', slots, []); - const writable_props = []; - - Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => { - if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); - }); - - const click_handler = () => { - location.href = '#'; - }; - - return [click_handler]; -} - -class Footer_component extends SvelteElement { - constructor(options) { - super(); - this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``; - - init( - this, - { - target: this.shadowRoot, - props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes), - customElement: true - }, - instance, - create_fragment, - safe_not_equal, - {}, - null - ); - - if (options) { - if ( { - insert_dev(, this, options.anchor); - } - } - } -} - -customElements.define("footer-component", Footer_component); - -export { Footer_component as default }; +import{S as t,i as e,a,b as o,s,e as n,c as r,n as i,f as c,g as h,m as l,h as d}from"./index-04d7984b.js";function p(t){let e,a,s,p,g,f,m,u,w;return{c(){e=n("footer"),a=n("div"),s=n("div"),s.innerHTML='


\n \n

WhatsApp: group invite link

',p=r(),g=n("button"),g.innerHTML='',f=r(),m=n("p"),m.textContent="© 2023 A global network of Libertarian Socialists",this.c=i,c(s,"id","footer-grid-content-container"),c(s,"class","logged"),c(g,"id","footer-up"),c(g,"aria-label","go up"),c(m,"id","footer-copyright"),c(a,"id","footer-content-container")},m(n,r){o(n,e,r),h(e,a),h(a,s),h(a,p),h(a,g),h(a,f),h(a,m),u||(w=l(g,"click",t[0]),u=!0)},p:i,i:i,o:i,d(t){t&&d(e),u=!1,w()}}}function g(t){return[()=>{location.href="#"}]}class f extends t{constructor(t){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",e(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:a(this.attributes),customElement:!0},g,p,s,{},null),t&&,this,t.anchor)}}customElements.define("footer-component",f);export{f as default}; diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/groups-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/groups-component.js index a8461ba..708ce02 100644 --- a/Server/public/js/components/groups-component.js +++ b/Server/public/js/components/groups-component.js @@ -1,307 +1 @@ - -(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document); -import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, p as flush, s as safe_not_equal, v as validate_each_argument, d as dispatch_dev, c as validate_slots, o as onMount, e as element, f as space, n as noop, g as add_location, h as set_custom_element_data, j as attr_dev, k as append_dev, l as detach_dev, m as destroy_each, t as text } from './index-3e97afc8.js'; -import { groups, addMarkersGroups } from '../../../../../../../../../js/groups.js'; -import '../../../../../../../../../js/components/map-component.js'; - -/* src\groups-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */ - -const file = "src\\groups-component.svelte"; - -function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) { - const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); - child_ctx[1] = list[i]; - return child_ctx; -} - -// (30:8) {#each groups as group} -function create_each_block(ctx) { - let div; - let p0; - let b0; - let t1_value = /*group*/ ctx[1].location[0] + ""; - let t1; - let t2; - let p1; - let b1; - let t4_value = /*group*/ ctx[1].members + ""; - let t4; - let t5; - let p2; - let b2; - let a; - let t7_value = /*group*/ ctx[1].contact[1] + ""; - let t7; - let t8; - - const block = { - c: function create() { - div = element("div"); - p0 = element("p"); - b0 = element("b"); - b0.textContent = "Location: "; - t1 = text(t1_value); - t2 = space(); - p1 = element("p"); - b1 = element("b"); - b1.textContent = "Members: "; - t4 = text(t4_value); - t5 = space(); - p2 = element("p"); - b2 = element("b"); - b2.textContent = "Contact: "; - a = element("a"); - t7 = text(t7_value); - t8 = space(); - add_location(b0, file, 31, 19, 2027); - add_location(p0, file, 31, 16, 2024); - add_location(b1, file, 32, 19, 2088); - add_location(p1, file, 32, 16, 2085); - add_location(b2, file, 33, 19, 2144); - attr_dev(a, "href", /*group*/ ctx[1].contact[0]); - attr_dev(a, "target", ";_blank;"); - attr_dev(a, "rel", "noreferrer"); - add_location(a, file, 33, 35, 2160); - add_location(p2, file, 33, 16, 2141); - attr_dev(div, "class", "location-info"); - add_location(div, file, 30, 12, 1979); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, div, anchor); - append_dev(div, p0); - append_dev(p0, b0); - append_dev(p0, t1); - append_dev(div, t2); - append_dev(div, p1); - append_dev(p1, b1); - append_dev(p1, t4); - append_dev(div, t5); - append_dev(div, p2); - append_dev(p2, b2); - append_dev(p2, a); - append_dev(a, t7); - append_dev(div, t8); - }, - p: noop, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(div); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "each", - source: "(30:8) {#each groups as group}", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -function create_fragment(ctx) { - let div1; - let div0; - let h1; - let t1; - let p0; - let t3; - let p1; - let t5; - let h3; - let t7; - let map_component; - let t8; - let h4; - let t10; - let each_value = groups; - validate_each_argument(each_value); - let each_blocks = []; - - for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i)); - } - - const block = { - c: function create() { - div1 = element("div"); - div0 = element("div"); - h1 = element("h1"); - h1.textContent = "Groups"; - t1 = space(); - p0 = element("p"); - p0.textContent = "We try to raise awareness among individuals about the detrimental impact of the current politico-economic systems on our collective well-being. Through educational initiatives, community engagement, and critical analysis, we strive to illuminate the structural flaws and inherent inequalities that permeate capitalist societies. By shedding light on these systemic issues, we empower people to question the status quo and envision alternative paths towards a more just and sustainable future."; - t3 = space(); - p1 = element("p"); - p1.textContent = "However, our mission extends beyond theoretical exploration and ideological discourse. We firmly believe in the power of mutual aid and collective action to alleviate the immediate challenges and hardships faced within a capitalist framework. Through the practice of mutual aid, we actively support one another by sharing resources, knowledge, and skills, thereby fostering a sense of solidarity and resilience. Whether it's organizing community gardens, establishing local food cooperatives, or providing mutual support networks, our aim is to make life under capitalism more bearable and to cultivate pockets of resistance and alternatives within the existing system."; - t5 = space(); - h3 = element("h3"); - h3.textContent = "Our groups"; - t7 = space(); - map_component = element("map-component"); - t8 = space(); - h4 = element("h4"); - h4.textContent = "Europe"; - t10 = space(); - - for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i].c(); - } - - this.c = noop; - add_location(h1, file, 23, 8, 589); - add_location(p0, file, 24, 8, 614); - add_location(p1, file, 25, 8, 1123); - add_location(h3, file, 26, 8, 1809); - set_custom_element_data(map_component, "id", "map"); - set_custom_element_data(map_component, "callback", /*mapCallbackGroups*/ ctx[0]); - add_location(map_component, file, 27, 8, 1838); - add_location(h4, file, 28, 8, 1917); - attr_dev(div0, "id", "text-container"); - add_location(div0, file, 22, 4, 554); - attr_dev(div1, "id", "container"); - add_location(div1, file, 20, 0, 467); - }, - l: function claim(nodes) { - throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option"); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, div1, anchor); - append_dev(div1, div0); - append_dev(div0, h1); - append_dev(div0, t1); - append_dev(div0, p0); - append_dev(div0, t3); - append_dev(div0, p1); - append_dev(div0, t5); - append_dev(div0, h3); - append_dev(div0, t7); - append_dev(div0, map_component); - append_dev(div0, t8); - append_dev(div0, h4); - append_dev(div0, t10); - - for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i].m(div0, null); - } - }, - p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) { - if (dirty & /*groups*/ 0) { - each_value = groups; - validate_each_argument(each_value); - let i; - - for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { - const child_ctx = get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i); - - if (each_blocks[i]) { - each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty); - } else { - each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(child_ctx); - each_blocks[i].c(); - each_blocks[i].m(div0, null); - } - } - - for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i].d(1); - } - - each_blocks.length = each_value.length; - } - }, - i: noop, - o: noop, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(div1); - destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "component", - source: "", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { - let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; - validate_slots('groups-component', slots, []); - - function mapCallbackGroups(createMap) { - let map = createMap([51.505, -0.09], 3); - addMarkersGroups(map); - } - - onMount(() => { - - }); - - const writable_props = []; - - Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => { - if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); - }); - - $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ - onMount, - groups, - addMarkersGroups, - mapCallbackGroups - }); - - return [mapCallbackGroups]; -} - -class Groups_component extends SvelteElement { - constructor(options) { - super(); - this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``; - - init( - this, - { - target: this.shadowRoot, - props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes), - customElement: true - }, - instance, - create_fragment, - safe_not_equal, - { mapCallbackGroups: 0 }, - null - ); - - if (options) { - if ( { - insert_dev(, this, options.anchor); - } - - if (options.props) { - this.$set(options.props); - flush(); - } - } - } - - static get observedAttributes() { - return ["mapCallbackGroups"]; - } - - get mapCallbackGroups() { - return this.$$.ctx[0]; - } - - set mapCallbackGroups(value) { - throw new Error(": Cannot set read-only property 'mapCallbackGroups'"); - } -} - -customElements.define("groups-component", Groups_component); - -export { Groups_component as default }; +import{S as t,i as e,a as o,b as n,k as a,s as i,e as s,c as r,n as l,d as c,f as m,g as u,h as p,j as h,o as d,t as g}from"./index-04d7984b.js";import{groups as f,addMarkersGroups as b}from"../../../../../../../../../js/groups.js";import"../../../../../../../../../js/components/map-component.js";function x(t,e,o){const n=t.slice();return n[1]=e[o],n}function v(t){let e,o,a,i,c,h,d,f,b,x,v,w,y,C,k=t[1].location[0]+"",j=t[1].members+"",z=t[1].contact[1]+"";return{c(){e=s("div"),o=s("p"),a=s("b"),a.textContent="Location: ",i=g(k),c=r(),h=s("p"),d=s("b"),d.textContent="Members: ",f=g(j),b=r(),x=s("p"),v=s("b"),v.textContent="Contact: ",w=s("a"),y=g(z),C=r(),m(w,"href",t[1].contact[0]),m(w,"target",";_blank;"),m(w,"rel","noreferrer"),m(e,"class","location-info")},m(t,s){n(t,e,s),u(e,o),u(o,a),u(o,i),u(e,c),u(e,h),u(h,d),u(h,f),u(e,b),u(e,x),u(x,v),u(x,w),u(w,y),u(e,C)},p:l,d(t){t&&p(e)}}}function w(t){let e,o,a,i,d,g,b,w,y,C,k,j,z,G,q=f,E=[];for(let e=0;e{})),[function(t){let e=t([51.505,-.09],3);b(e)}]}class C extends t{constructor(t){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",e(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:o(this.attributes),customElement:!0},y,w,i,{mapCallbackGroups:0},null),t&&(,this,t.anchor),t.props&&(this.$set(t.props),a()))}static get observedAttributes(){return["mapCallbackGroups"]}get mapCallbackGroups(){return this.$$.ctx[0]}}customElements.define("groups-component",C);export{C as default}; diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/index-04d7984b.js b/Server/public/js/components/index-04d7984b.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8aa6994 --- /dev/null +++ b/Server/public/js/components/index-04d7984b.js @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +function t(){}function n(t){return t()}function e(){return Object.create(null)}function o(t){t.forEach(n)}function s(t){return"function"==typeof t}function r(t,n){return t!=t?n==n:t!==n||t&&"object"==typeof t||"function"==typeof t}let i,c;function a(t,n){return i||(i=document.createElement("a")),i.href=n,t===i.href}function u(t,n){t.appendChild(n)}function f(t,n,e){t.insertBefore(n,e||null)}function l(t){t.parentNode.removeChild(t)}function h(t,n){for(let e=0;et.removeEventListener(n,e,o)}function _(t,n,e){null==e?t.removeAttribute(n):t.getAttribute(n)!==e&&t.setAttribute(n,e)}function y(t,n,e){n in t?t[n]="boolean"==typeof t[n]&&""===e||e:_(t,n,e)}function b(t,n){n=""+n,t.wholeText!==n&&(}function x(t,n,e,o){null===e?,e,o?"important":"")}class v{constructor(t=!1){this.is_svg=!1,this.is_svg=t,this.e=this.n=null}c(t){this.h(t)}m(t,n,e=null){var o;this.e||(this.is_svg?this.e=(o=n.nodeName,document.createElementNS("",o)):this.e=d(n.nodeName),this.t=n,this.c(t)),this.i(e)}h(t){this.e.innerHTML=t,this.n=Array.from(this.e.childNodes)}i(t){for(let n=0;n{const o=e.length?e[0]:n;return m.ctx&&f(m.ctx[t],m.ctx[t]=o)&&(!m.skip_bound&&m.bound[t]&&m.bound[t](o),g&&F(r,t)),n})):[],m.update(),g=!0,o(m.before_update),m.fragment=!!u&&u(m.ctx),{if(i.hydrate){const t=function(t){return Array.from(t.childNodes)}(;m.fragment&&m.fragment.l(t),t.forEach(l)}else m.fragment&&m.fragment.c();i.intro&&((_=r.$$.fragment)&&_.i&&(B.delete(_),_.i(y))),function(t,e,r,i){const{fragment:c,after_update:a}=t.$$;c&&c.m(e,r),i||M((()=>{const e=t.$$;t.$$.on_destroy?t.$$.on_destroy.push(...e):o(e),t.$$.on_mount=[]})),a.forEach(M)}(r,,i.anchor,i.customElement),q()}var _,y;w(p)}let G;"function"==typeof HTMLElement&&(G=class extends HTMLElement{constructor(){super(),this.attachShadow({mode:"open"})}connectedCallback(){const{on_mount:t}=this.$$;this.$$;for(const t in this.$$.slotted)this.appendChild(this.$$.slotted[t])}attributeChangedCallback(t,n,e){this[t]=e}disconnectedCallback(){o(this.$$.on_disconnect)}$destroy(){!function(t,n){const e=t.$$;null!==e.fragment&&(o(e.on_destroy),e.fragment&&e.fragment.d(n),e.on_destroy=e.fragment=null,e.ctx=[])}(this,1),this.$destroy=t}$on(n,e){if(!s(e))return t;const o=this.$$.callbacks[n]||(this.$$.callbacks[n]=[]);return o.push(e),()=>{const t=o.indexOf(e);-1!==t&&o.splice(t,1)}}$set(t){var n;this.$$set&&(n=t,0!==Object.keys(n).length)&&(this.$$.skip_bound=!0,this.$$set(t),this.$$.skip_bound=!1)}});export{v as H,G as S,E as a,f as b,p as c,y as d,d as e,_ as f,u as g,l as h,D as i,h as j,q as k,x as l,g as m,t as n,C as o,b as p,L as q,N as r,r as s,$ as t,a as u,o as v,m as w}; diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/join-us-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/join-us-component.js index 5e893a0..821edad 100644 --- a/Server/public/js/components/join-us-component.js +++ b/Server/public/js/components/join-us-component.js @@ -1,294 +1 @@ - -(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document); -import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, p as flush, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, c as validate_slots, o as onMount, t as text, e as element, f as space, n as noop, g as add_location, j as attr_dev, h as set_custom_element_data, k as append_dev, l as detach_dev } from './index-3e97afc8.js'; -import { addMarkersGroups } from '../../../../../../../../../js/groups.js'; -import { addMarkersCoops } from '../../../../../../../../../js/coops.js'; -import { addMarkersCommunities } from '../../../../../../../../../js/communities.js'; -import '../../../../../../../../../js/components/map-component.js'; - -/* src\join-us-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */ - -const file = "src\\join-us-component.svelte"; - -function create_fragment(ctx) { - let t0; - let div3; - let div2; - let h1; - let t2; - let div0; - let p0; - let t4; - let p1; - let t6; - let p2; - let t8; - let p3; - let t9; - let b0; - let t11; - let b1; - let t13; - let div1; - let p4; - let t15; - let ol; - let li0; - let a0; - let t17; - let t18; - let li1; - let a1; - let t20; - let t21; - let li2; - let a2; - let t23; - let p5; - let t25; - let p6; - let t26; - let a3; - let t28; - let t29; - let map_component; - - const block = { - c: function create() { - t0 = text("Are you against exploitation of one human being by another?\r\nDo you agree that we should cooperate and not compete with each other?\r\nIn that case, you are already a libertarian socialist. Join us \r\n\r\nFInd our group, community or cooperative near you and join in order to make a world we both envision a reality. \r\n\r\nNone of them near you? Not a problem! Join our WhatsApp group and we will help you get started.\r\n"); - div3 = element("div"); - div2 = element("div"); - h1 = element("h1"); - h1.textContent = "Join us"; - t2 = space(); - div0 = element("div"); - p0 = element("p"); - p0.textContent = "1. Are you against dictatorship and in favor of democracy?"; - t4 = space(); - p1 = element("p"); - p1.textContent = "2. Are you against exploitation of one human being by another?"; - t6 = space(); - p2 = element("p"); - p2.textContent = "3. Do you agree that we should cooperate and not compete with each other?"; - t8 = space(); - p3 = element("p"); - t9 = text("If the answer is "); - b0 = element("b"); - b0.textContent = "YES"; - t11 = text(", then you are already a libertarian socialist. "); - b1 = element("b"); - b1.textContent = "JOIN US!"; - t13 = space(); - div1 = element("div"); - p4 = element("p"); - p4.textContent = "Find our"; - t15 = space(); - ol = element("ol"); - li0 = element("li"); - a0 = element("a"); - a0.textContent = "group"; - t17 = text(","); - t18 = space(); - li1 = element("li"); - a1 = element("a"); - a1.textContent = "community"; - t20 = text(" or"); - t21 = space(); - li2 = element("li"); - a2 = element("a"); - a2.textContent = "cooperative"; - t23 = space(); - p5 = element("p"); - p5.textContent = "near you and join to help make a world we both envision a reality."; - t25 = space(); - p6 = element("p"); - t26 = text("None of them near you? Not a problem! Join our "); - a3 = element("a"); - a3.textContent = "WhatsApp group"; - t28 = text(" and we will help you start your own."); - t29 = space(); - map_component = element("map-component"); - this.c = noop; - add_location(h1, file, 41, 8, 1237); - add_location(p0, file, 43, 12, 1302); - add_location(p1, file, 44, 12, 1381); - add_location(p2, file, 45, 12, 1464); - add_location(b0, file, 46, 32, 1578); - add_location(b1, file, 46, 90, 1636); - add_location(p3, file, 46, 12, 1558); - attr_dev(div0, "id", "condition-list"); - add_location(div0, file, 42, 8, 1263); - add_location(p4, file, 49, 12, 1725); - attr_dev(a0, "href", ""); - add_location(a0, file, 51, 20, 1780); - add_location(li0, file, 51, 16, 1776); - attr_dev(a1, "href", ""); - add_location(a1, file, 52, 20, 1877); - add_location(li1, file, 52, 16, 1873); - attr_dev(a2, "href", ""); - add_location(a2, file, 53, 20, 1980); - add_location(li2, file, 53, 16, 1976); - add_location(ol, file, 50, 12, 1754); - add_location(p5, file, 55, 12, 2092); - attr_dev(div1, "id", "call-to-action-list"); - add_location(div1, file, 48, 8, 1681); - attr_dev(a3, "href", ""); - attr_dev(a3, "target", "_blank"); - attr_dev(a3, "rel", "noreferrer"); - add_location(a3, file, 57, 58, 2241); - add_location(p6, file, 57, 8, 2191); - set_custom_element_data(map_component, "id", "map"); - set_custom_element_data(map_component, "callback", /*mapCallback*/ ctx[0]); - add_location(map_component, file, 58, 8, 2400); - attr_dev(div2, "id", "text-container"); - add_location(div2, file, 40, 4, 1202); - attr_dev(div3, "id", "container"); - add_location(div3, file, 38, 0, 1115); - }, - l: function claim(nodes) { - throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option"); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, t0, anchor); - insert_dev(target, div3, anchor); - append_dev(div3, div2); - append_dev(div2, h1); - append_dev(div2, t2); - append_dev(div2, div0); - append_dev(div0, p0); - append_dev(div0, t4); - append_dev(div0, p1); - append_dev(div0, t6); - append_dev(div0, p2); - append_dev(div0, t8); - append_dev(div0, p3); - append_dev(p3, t9); - append_dev(p3, b0); - append_dev(p3, t11); - append_dev(p3, b1); - append_dev(div2, t13); - append_dev(div2, div1); - append_dev(div1, p4); - append_dev(div1, t15); - append_dev(div1, ol); - append_dev(ol, li0); - append_dev(li0, a0); - append_dev(li0, t17); - append_dev(ol, t18); - append_dev(ol, li1); - append_dev(li1, a1); - append_dev(li1, t20); - append_dev(ol, t21); - append_dev(ol, li2); - append_dev(li2, a2); - append_dev(div1, t23); - append_dev(div1, p5); - append_dev(div2, t25); - append_dev(div2, p6); - append_dev(p6, t26); - append_dev(p6, a3); - append_dev(p6, t28); - append_dev(div2, t29); - append_dev(div2, map_component); - }, - p: noop, - i: noop, - o: noop, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(t0); - if (detaching) detach_dev(div3); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "component", - source: "", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { - let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; - validate_slots('join-us-component', slots, []); - - function mapCallback(createMap) { - let map = createMap([51.505, -0.09], 3); - addMarkersGroups(map); - addMarkersCoops(map); - addMarkersCommunities(map); - } - - onMount(() => { - - }); - - const writable_props = []; - - Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => { - if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); - }); - - $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ - onMount, - addMarkersGroups, - addMarkersCoops, - addMarkersCommunities, - mapCallback - }); - - return [mapCallback]; -} - -class Join_us_component extends SvelteElement { - constructor(options) { - super(); - - this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``; - - init( - this, - { - target: this.shadowRoot, - props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes), - customElement: true - }, - instance, - create_fragment, - safe_not_equal, - { mapCallback: 0 }, - null - ); - - if (options) { - if ( { - insert_dev(, this, options.anchor); - } - - if (options.props) { - this.$set(options.props); - flush(); - } - } - } - - static get observedAttributes() { - return ["mapCallback"]; - } - - get mapCallback() { - return this.$$.ctx[0]; - } - - set mapCallback(value) { - throw new Error(": Cannot set read-only property 'mapCallback'"); - } -} - -customElements.define("join-us-component", Join_us_component); - -export { Join_us_component as default }; +import{S as t,i as o,a,b as e,k as n,s as i,t as r,e as s,c as m,n as l,f as p,d as c,g as h,h as u,o as d}from"./index-04d7984b.js";import{addMarkersGroups as g}from"../../../../../../../../../js/groups.js";import{addMarkersCoops as b}from"../../../../../../../../../js/coops.js";import{addMarkersCommunities as f}from"../../../../../../../../../js/communities.js";import"../../../../../../../../../js/components/map-component.js";function y(t){let o,a,n,i,d,g,b,f,y,w,j,x;return{c(){o=r("Are you against exploitation of one human being by another?\r\nDo you agree that we should cooperate and not compete with each other?\r\nIn that case, you are already a libertarian socialist. Join us \r\n\r\nFInd our group, community or cooperative near you and join in order to make a world we both envision a reality. \r\n\r\nNone of them near you? Not a problem! Join our WhatsApp group and we will help you get started.\r\n"),a=s("div"),n=s("div"),i=s("h1"),i.textContent="Join us",d=m(),g=s("div"),g.innerHTML="

1. Are you against dictatorship and in favor of democracy?


2. Are you against exploitation of one human being by another?


3. Do you agree that we should cooperate and not compete with each other?


If the answer is YES, then you are already a libertarian socialist. JOIN US!


Find our

  1. group,
  2. \n
  3. community or
  4. \n
  5. cooperative

near you and join to help make a world we both envision a reality.

',y=m(),w=s("p"),w.innerHTML='None of them near you? Not a problem! Join our WhatsApp group and we will help you start your own.',j=m(),x=s("map-component"),this.c=l,p(g,"id","condition-list"),p(f,"id","call-to-action-list"),c(x,"id","map"),c(x,"callback",t[0]),p(n,"id","text-container"),p(a,"id","container")},m(t,r){e(t,o,r),e(t,a,r),h(a,n),h(n,i),h(n,d),h(n,g),h(n,b),h(n,f),h(n,y),h(n,w),h(n,j),h(n,x)},p:l,i:l,o:l,d(t){t&&u(o),t&&u(a)}}}function w(t,o,a){return d((()=>{})),[function(t){let o=t([51.505,-.09],3);g(o),b(o),f(o)}]}class j extends t{constructor(t){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",o(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:a(this.attributes),customElement:!0},w,y,i,{mapCallback:0},null),t&&(,this,t.anchor),t.props&&(this.$set(t.props),n()))}static get observedAttributes(){return["mapCallback"]}get mapCallback(){return this.$$.ctx[0]}}customElements.define("join-us-component",j);export{j as default}; diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/landing-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/landing-component.js index 033d5f9..a41d23a 100644 --- a/Server/public/js/components/landing-component.js +++ b/Server/public/js/components/landing-component.js @@ -1,170 +1 @@ - -(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document); -import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, c as validate_slots, o as onMount, e as element, f as space, n as noop, j as attr_dev, g as add_location, k as append_dev, l as detach_dev } from './index-3e97afc8.js'; - -/* src\landing-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */ -const file = "src\\landing-component.svelte"; - -function create_fragment(ctx) { - let div5; - let picture; - let source0; - let t0; - let source1; - let t1; - let img; - let t2; - let div4; - let p0; - let t4; - let div3; - let div0; - let p1; - let t6; - let div1; - let p2; - let t8; - let div2; - let p3; - - const block = { - c: function create() { - div5 = element("div"); - picture = element("picture"); - source0 = element("source"); - t0 = space(); - source1 = element("source"); - t1 = space(); - img = element("img"); - t2 = space(); - div4 = element("div"); - p0 = element("p"); - p0.textContent = "We are people united around a single cause of bringing down authoritarian exploitative systems represented by different forms of capitalism and replacing them with libertarian socialist systems to create a more equitable and democratic world."; - t4 = space(); - div3 = element("div"); - div0 = element("div"); - p1 = element("p"); - p1.textContent = "GROUPS: We organize into groups for education, advocacy and mutual aid. We aim to show people how the current politico-economic systems negatively affect our wellbeing, show them the alternatives, and engage in mutual aid to make our life under capitalism easier."; - t6 = space(); - div1 = element("div"); - p2 = element("p"); - p2.textContent = "COMMUNITIES: We build communities according to libertarian socialist principles where people own their land, their houses, the means of production and use direct democracy to make decisions. We are growing our socialist world one community at a time."; - t8 = space(); - div2 = element("div"); - p3 = element("p"); - p3.textContent = "COOPERATIVES: We create worker cooperatives in order to finance the functioning of our groups and communities. Economic power determines political power, therefore, establishing cooperatives is one of the first steps towards achieving socialism by providing democratic workplaces for workers instead of authoritarian capitalist businesses."; - this.c = noop; - attr_dev(source0, "srcset", "/img/crowd.webp"); - add_location(source0, file, 20, 8, 274); - attr_dev(source1, "srcset", "/img/crowd.png"); - add_location(source1, file, 21, 8, 317); - attr_dev(img, "id", "crowd"); - attr_dev(img, "alt", "crowd"); - add_location(img, file, 22, 8, 359); - add_location(picture, file, 19, 4, 255); - add_location(p0, file, 26, 8, 450); - add_location(p1, file, 29, 16, 771); - add_location(div0, file, 28, 12, 748); - add_location(p2, file, 32, 16, 1098); - add_location(div1, file, 31, 12, 1075); - add_location(p3, file, 35, 16, 1412); - add_location(div2, file, 34, 12, 1389); - attr_dev(div3, "id", "container-grid"); - add_location(div3, file, 27, 8, 709); - attr_dev(div4, "id", "text-container"); - add_location(div4, file, 25, 4, 415); - attr_dev(div5, "id", "container"); - add_location(div5, file, 18, 0, 229); - }, - l: function claim(nodes) { - throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option"); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, div5, anchor); - append_dev(div5, picture); - append_dev(picture, source0); - append_dev(picture, t0); - append_dev(picture, source1); - append_dev(picture, t1); - append_dev(picture, img); - append_dev(div5, t2); - append_dev(div5, div4); - append_dev(div4, p0); - append_dev(div4, t4); - append_dev(div4, div3); - append_dev(div3, div0); - append_dev(div0, p1); - append_dev(div3, t6); - append_dev(div3, div1); - append_dev(div1, p2); - append_dev(div3, t8); - append_dev(div3, div2); - append_dev(div2, p3); - }, - p: noop, - i: noop, - o: noop, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(div5); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "component", - source: "", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { - let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; - validate_slots('landing-component', slots, []); - - onMount(() => { - - }); - - const writable_props = []; - - Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => { - if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); - }); - - $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ onMount }); - return []; -} - -class Landing_component extends SvelteElement { - constructor(options) { - super(); - this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``; - - init( - this, - { - target: this.shadowRoot, - props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes), - customElement: true - }, - instance, - create_fragment, - safe_not_equal, - {}, - null - ); - - if (options) { - if ( { - insert_dev(, this, options.anchor); - } - } - } -} - -customElements.define("landing-component", Landing_component); - -export { Landing_component as default }; +import{S as e,i,a as t,b as o,s as r,e as a,n,f as s,h as c,o as d}from"./index-04d7984b.js";function m(e){let i;return{c(){i=a("div"),i.innerHTML=' \n \n crowd \n \n

We are people united around a single cause of bringing down authoritarian exploitative systems represented by different forms of capitalism and replacing them with libertarian socialist systems to create a more equitable and democratic world.


GROUPS: We organize into groups for education, advocacy and mutual aid. We aim to show people how the current politico-economic systems negatively affect our wellbeing, show them the alternatives, and engage in mutual aid to make our life under capitalism easier.


COMMUNITIES: We build communities according to libertarian socialist principles where people own their land, their houses, the means of production and use direct democracy to make decisions. We are growing our socialist world one community at a time.


COOPERATIVES: We create worker cooperatives in order to finance the functioning of our groups and communities. Economic power determines political power, therefore, establishing cooperatives is one of the first steps towards achieving socialism by providing democratic workplaces for workers instead of authoritarian capitalist businesses.

',this.c=n,s(i,"id","container")},m(e,t){o(e,i,t)},p:n,i:n,o:n,d(e){e&&c(i)}}}function p(e){return d((()=>{})),[]}class l extends e{constructor(e){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",i(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:t(this.attributes),customElement:!0},p,m,r,{},null),e&&,this,e.anchor)}}customElements.define("landing-component",l);export{l as default}; diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/legend-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/legend-component.js index 66fc494..222cb93 100644 --- a/Server/public/js/components/legend-component.js +++ b/Server/public/js/components/legend-component.js @@ -1,362 +1 @@ - -(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document); -import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, p as flush, s as safe_not_equal, v as validate_each_argument, d as dispatch_dev, c as validate_slots, o as onMount, q as globals, e as element, n as noop, j as attr_dev, g as add_location, l as detach_dev, m as destroy_each, r as binding_callbacks, f as space, t as text, u as set_style, k as append_dev, w as listen_dev, x as set_data_dev } from './index-3e97afc8.js'; -import { pullLegendData } from '../../../../../../../../../js/predict/charts.js'; - -/* src\components\legend-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */ - -const { Object: Object_1 } = globals; -const file = "src\\components\\legend-component.svelte"; - -function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) { - const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); - child_ctx[10] = list[i]; - child_ctx[11] = list; - child_ctx[12] = i; - return child_ctx; -} - -// (69:4) {#each legendData as item, i} -function create_each_block(ctx) { - let button; - let div; - let t0; - let span; - let t1_value = /*item*/ ctx[10].name + ""; - let t1; - let t2; - let i = /*i*/ ctx[12]; - let mounted; - let dispose; - const assign_button = () => /*button_binding*/ ctx[6](button, i); - const unassign_button = () => /*button_binding*/ ctx[6](null, i); - - function click_handler() { - return /*click_handler*/ ctx[7](/*i*/ ctx[12]); - } - - const block = { - c: function create() { - button = element("button"); - div = element("div"); - t0 = space(); - span = element("span"); - t1 = text(t1_value); - t2 = space(); - attr_dev(div, "class", "marker"); - set_style(div, "background-color", /*item*/ ctx[10].color); - add_location(div, file, 70, 12, 1892); - add_location(span, file, 71, 12, 1971); - add_location(button, file, 69, 8, 1814); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, button, anchor); - append_dev(button, div); - append_dev(button, t0); - append_dev(button, span); - append_dev(span, t1); - append_dev(button, t2); - assign_button(); - - if (!mounted) { - dispose = listen_dev(button, "click", click_handler, false, false, false); - mounted = true; - } - }, - p: function update(new_ctx, dirty) { - ctx = new_ctx; - - if (dirty & /*legendData*/ 1) { - set_style(div, "background-color", /*item*/ ctx[10].color); - } - - if (dirty & /*legendData*/ 1 && t1_value !== (t1_value = /*item*/ ctx[10].name + "")) set_data_dev(t1, t1_value); - - if (i !== /*i*/ ctx[12]) { - unassign_button(); - i = /*i*/ ctx[12]; - assign_button(); - } - }, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(button); - unassign_button(); - mounted = false; - dispose(); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "each", - source: "(69:4) {#each legendData as item, i}", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -function create_fragment(ctx) { - let div; - let each_value = /*legendData*/ ctx[0]; - validate_each_argument(each_value); - let each_blocks = []; - - for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i)); - } - - const block = { - c: function create() { - div = element("div"); - - for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i].c(); - } - - this.c = noop; - attr_dev(div, "class", "legend"); - add_location(div, file, 67, 0, 1749); - }, - l: function claim(nodes) { - throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option"); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, div, anchor); - - for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i].m(div, null); - } - }, - p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) { - if (dirty & /*buttons, toggleSeries, legendData*/ 7) { - each_value = /*legendData*/ ctx[0]; - validate_each_argument(each_value); - let i; - - for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { - const child_ctx = get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i); - - if (each_blocks[i]) { - each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty); - } else { - each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(child_ctx); - each_blocks[i].c(); - each_blocks[i].m(div, null); - } - } - - for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i].d(1); - } - - each_blocks.length = each_value.length; - } - }, - i: noop, - o: noop, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(div); - destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "component", - source: "", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { - let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; - validate_slots('legend-component', slots, []); - let { option = null } = $$props; - let { chart = null } = $$props; - let { data = {} } = $$props; - - // Main code - let legendData = []; - - let buttons = []; - let dataKeys; - - function init() { - if (option == null || option == undefined || chart == null || chart == undefined) { - setTimeout(init, 100); - } else { - $$invalidate(0, legendData = pullLegendData(legendData, option)); - - for (let obj of legendData) { - $$invalidate(3, data[] = true, data); - } - - dataKeys = Object.keys(data); - } - } - - function toggleSeries(i) { - $$invalidate(3, data[dataKeys[i]] = !data[dataKeys[i]], data); - let inds = []; - let ids = => x._id); - let id = ids[i]; - - for (let j = 0; j < ids.length; j++) { - if (ids[j] == id) { - inds.push(j); - } - } - - for (let i of inds) { - let series = option.series[i]; - - if (! { - series.lineStyle.opacity = 1; - series.itemStyle.opacity = 1; - = true; - $$invalidate(1, buttons[inds[0]].style.opacity = 1, buttons); - } else { - series.lineStyle.opacity = 0; - series.itemStyle.opacity = 0; - = false; - $$invalidate(1, buttons[inds[0]].style.opacity = 0.5, buttons); - } - } - - chart.setOption(option); - } - - onMount(() => { - init(); - }); - - const writable_props = ['option', 'chart', 'data']; - - Object_1.keys($$props).forEach(key => { - if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); - }); - - function button_binding($$value, i) { - binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => { - buttons[i] = $$value; - $$invalidate(1, buttons); - }); - } - - const click_handler = i => toggleSeries(i); - - $$self.$$set = $$props => { - if ('option' in $$props) $$invalidate(4, option = $$props.option); - if ('chart' in $$props) $$invalidate(5, chart = $$props.chart); - if ('data' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, data = $$; - }; - - $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ - onMount, - pullLegendData, - option, - chart, - data, - legendData, - buttons, - dataKeys, - init, - toggleSeries - }); - - $$self.$inject_state = $$props => { - if ('option' in $$props) $$invalidate(4, option = $$props.option); - if ('chart' in $$props) $$invalidate(5, chart = $$props.chart); - if ('data' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, data = $$; - if ('legendData' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, legendData = $$props.legendData); - if ('buttons' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, buttons = $$props.buttons); - if ('dataKeys' in $$props) dataKeys = $$props.dataKeys; - }; - - if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) { - $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject); - } - - return [ - legendData, - buttons, - toggleSeries, - data, - option, - chart, - button_binding, - click_handler - ]; -} - -class Legend_component extends SvelteElement { - constructor(options) { - super(); - this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``; - - init( - this, - { - target: this.shadowRoot, - props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes), - customElement: true - }, - instance, - create_fragment, - safe_not_equal, - { option: 4, chart: 5, data: 3 }, - null - ); - - if (options) { - if ( { - insert_dev(, this, options.anchor); - } - - if (options.props) { - this.$set(options.props); - flush(); - } - } - } - - static get observedAttributes() { - return ["option", "chart", "data"]; - } - - get option() { - return this.$$.ctx[4]; - } - - set option(option) { - this.$$set({ option }); - flush(); - } - - get chart() { - return this.$$.ctx[5]; - } - - set chart(chart) { - this.$$set({ chart }); - flush(); - } - - get data() { - return this.$$.ctx[3]; - } - - set data(data) { - this.$$set({ data }); - flush(); - } -} - -customElements.define("legend-component", Legend_component); - -export { Legend_component as default }; +import{S as t,i as e,a as s,b as o,k as n,s as r,e as i,n as a,f as l,h as c,j as p,o as u,c as h,t as d,l as m,g as f,m as g,p as y,q as $}from"./index-04d7984b.js";import{pullLegendData as b}from"../../../../../../../../../js/predict/charts.js";function w(t,e,s){const o=t.slice();return o[10]=e[s],o[11]=e,o[12]=s,o}function x(t){let e,s,n,r,a,p,u,$,b=t[10].name+"",w=t[12];const x=()=>t[6](e,w),k=()=>t[6](null,w);function j(){return t[7](t[12])}return{c(){e=i("button"),s=i("div"),n=h(),r=i("span"),a=d(b),p=h(),l(s,"class","marker"),m(s,"background-color",t[10].color)},m(t,i){o(t,e,i),f(e,s),f(e,n),f(e,r),f(r,a),f(e,p),x(),u||($=g(e,"click",j),u=!0)},p(e,o){t=e,1&o&&m(s,"background-color",t[10].color),1&o&&b!==(b=t[10].name+"")&&y(a,b),w!==t[12]&&(k(),w=t[12],x())},d(t){t&&c(e),k(),u=!1,$()}}}function k(t){let e,s=t[0],n=[];for(let e=0;et._id)),c=a[t];for(let t=0;t{c()}));return t.$$set=t=>{"option"in t&&s(4,n=t.option),"chart"in t&&s(5,r=t.chart),"data"in t&&s(3,},[a,l,p,i,n,r,function(t,e){$[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{l[e]=t,s(1,l)}))},t=>p(t)]}class v extends t{constructor(t){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",e(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:s(this.attributes),customElement:!0},j,k,r,{option:4,chart:5,data:3},null),t&&(,this,t.anchor),t.props&&(this.$set(t.props),n()))}static get observedAttributes(){return["option","chart","data"]}get option(){return this.$$.ctx[4]}set option(t){this.$$set({option:t}),n()}get chart(){return this.$$.ctx[5]}set chart(t){this.$$set({chart:t}),n()}get data(){return this.$$.ctx[3]}set data(t){this.$$set({data:t}),n()}}customElements.define("legend-component",v);export{v as default}; diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/loadscreen-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/loadscreen-component.js index 80d727d..7486437 100644 --- a/Server/public/js/components/loadscreen-component.js +++ b/Server/public/js/components/loadscreen-component.js @@ -1,115 +1 @@ - -(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document); -import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, c as validate_slots, o as onMount, e as element, n as noop, j as attr_dev, u as set_style, g as add_location, l as detach_dev, r as binding_callbacks } from './index-3e97afc8.js'; - -/* src\components\loadscreen-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */ -const file = "src\\components\\loadscreen-component.svelte"; - -function create_fragment(ctx) { - let div; - - const block = { - c: function create() { - div = element("div"); - this.c = noop; - attr_dev(div, "id", "loadscreen"); - set_style(div, "width", "100%"); - set_style(div, "height", "100%"); - set_style(div, "background", "white"); - set_style(div, "position", "absolute"); - set_style(div, "z-index", "100000"); - add_location(div, file, 20, 0, 366); - }, - l: function claim(nodes) { - throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option"); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, div, anchor); - /*div_binding*/ ctx[1](div); - }, - p: noop, - i: noop, - o: noop, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(div); - /*div_binding*/ ctx[1](null); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "component", - source: "", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { - let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; - validate_slots('loadscreen-component', slots, []); - let loadscreen; - - onMount(() => { - window.addEventListener('load', function () { - $$invalidate(0, = "none", loadscreen); - }); - }); - - const writable_props = []; - - Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => { - if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); - }); - - function div_binding($$value) { - binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => { - loadscreen = $$value; - $$invalidate(0, loadscreen); - }); - } - - $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ onMount, loadscreen }); - - $$self.$inject_state = $$props => { - if ('loadscreen' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, loadscreen = $$props.loadscreen); - }; - - if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) { - $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject); - } - - return [loadscreen, div_binding]; -} - -class Loadscreen_component extends SvelteElement { - constructor(options) { - super(); - - init( - this, - { - target: this.shadowRoot, - props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes), - customElement: true - }, - instance, - create_fragment, - safe_not_equal, - {}, - null - ); - - if (options) { - if ( { - insert_dev(, this, options.anchor); - } - } - } -} - -customElements.define("loadscreen-component", Loadscreen_component); - -export { Loadscreen_component as default }; +import{S as t,i as s,a as e,b as n,s as o,e as a,n as i,f as r,l as d,h as u,o as l,q as c}from"./index-04d7984b.js";function h(t){let s;return{c(){s=a("div"),this.c=i,r(s,"id","loadscreen"),d(s,"width","100%"),d(s,"height","100%"),d(s,"background","white"),d(s,"position","absolute"),d(s,"z-index","100000")},m(e,o){n(e,s,o),t[1](s)},p:i,i:i,o:i,d(e){e&&u(s),t[1](null)}}}function p(t,s,e){let n;return l((()=>{window.addEventListener("load",(function(){e(0,"none",n)}))})),[n,function(t){c[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{n=t,e(0,n)}))}]}class f extends t{constructor(t){super(),s(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:e(this.attributes),customElement:!0},p,h,o,{},null),t&&,this,t.anchor)}}customElements.define("loadscreen-component",f);export{f as default}; diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/manifesto-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/manifesto-component.js index a6e38d7..7374a1c 100644 --- a/Server/public/js/components/manifesto-component.js +++ b/Server/public/js/components/manifesto-component.js @@ -1,671 +1 @@ - -(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document); -import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, c as validate_slots, o as onMount, q as globals, v as validate_each_argument, e as element, n as noop, j as attr_dev, g as add_location, k as append_dev, l as detach_dev, D as empty, m as destroy_each, f as space, t as text, H as HtmlTag } from './index-3e97afc8.js'; -import { getData } from '../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/serverTools.js'; - -/* src\manifesto-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */ - -const { Object: Object_1 } = globals; -const file = "src\\manifesto-component.svelte"; - -function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) { - const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); - child_ctx[3] = list[i]; - return child_ctx; -} - -function get_each_context_2(ctx, list, i) { - const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); - child_ctx[6] = list[i]; - return child_ctx; -} - -function get_each_context_1(ctx, list, i) { - const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); - child_ctx[6] = list[i]; - return child_ctx; -} - -// (54:16) {#if line!==""} -function create_if_block(ctx) { - let if_block_anchor; - - function select_block_type(ctx, dirty) { - if (typeof (/*line*/ ctx[3] === 'object') && Object.keys(/*line*/ ctx[3])[0] == "ul") return create_if_block_1; - if (typeof (/*line*/ ctx[3] === 'object') && Object.keys(/*line*/ ctx[3])[0] == "ol") return create_if_block_2; - if (/*line*/ ctx[3].slice(0, 3) == "###") return create_if_block_3; - if (/*line*/ ctx[3].slice(0, 2) == "##") return create_if_block_4; - if (/*line*/ ctx[3][0] == "#") return create_if_block_5; - return create_else_block; - } - - let current_block_type = select_block_type(ctx); - let if_block = current_block_type(ctx); - - const block = { - c: function create() { - if_block.c(); - if_block_anchor = empty(); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - if_block.m(target, anchor); - insert_dev(target, if_block_anchor, anchor); - }, - p: function update(ctx, dirty) { - if_block.p(ctx, dirty); - }, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if_block.d(detaching); - if (detaching) detach_dev(if_block_anchor); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "if", - source: "(54:16) {#if line!==\\\"\\\"}", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -// (75:20) {:else} -function create_else_block(ctx) { - let p; - let html_tag; - let raw_value = /*line*/ ctx[3] + ""; - let t; - - const block = { - c: function create() { - p = element("p"); - html_tag = new HtmlTag(false); - t = space(); - html_tag.a = t; - attr_dev(p, "class", "margin-end"); - add_location(p, file, 75, 24, 2558); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, p, anchor); - html_tag.m(raw_value, p); - append_dev(p, t); - }, - p: noop, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(p); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "else", - source: "(75:20) {:else}", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -// (73:43) -function create_if_block_5(ctx) { - let h1; - let raw_value = /*line*/ ctx[3].slice(2, /*line*/ ctx[3].length) + ""; - - const block = { - c: function create() { - h1 = element("h1"); - add_location(h1, file, 73, 24, 2461); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, h1, anchor); - h1.innerHTML = raw_value; - }, - p: noop, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(h1); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "if", - source: "(73:43) ", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -// (71:52) -function create_if_block_4(ctx) { - let h2; - let raw_value = /*line*/ ctx[3].slice(3, /*line*/ ctx[3].length) + ""; - - const block = { - c: function create() { - h2 = element("h2"); - add_location(h2, file, 71, 24, 2348); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, h2, anchor); - h2.innerHTML = raw_value; - }, - p: noop, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(h2); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "if", - source: "(71:52) ", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -// (69:53) -function create_if_block_3(ctx) { - let h3; - let raw_value = /*line*/ ctx[3].slice(4, /*line*/ ctx[3].length) + ""; - - const block = { - c: function create() { - h3 = element("h3"); - add_location(h3, file, 69, 24, 2226); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, h3, anchor); - h3.innerHTML = raw_value; - }, - p: noop, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(h3); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "if", - source: "(69:53) ", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -// (61:89) -function create_if_block_2(ctx) { - let ol; - let t; - let each_value_2 = /*line*/ ctx[3].ol; - validate_each_argument(each_value_2); - let each_blocks = []; - - for (let i = 0; i < each_value_2.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_2(get_each_context_2(ctx, each_value_2, i)); - } - - const block = { - c: function create() { - ol = element("ol"); - - for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i].c(); - } - - t = space(); - add_location(ol, file, 61, 24, 1891); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, ol, anchor); - - for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i].m(ol, null); - } - - append_dev(ol, t); - }, - p: function update(ctx, dirty) { - if (dirty & /*manifesto*/ 2) { - each_value_2 = /*line*/ ctx[3].ol; - validate_each_argument(each_value_2); - let i; - - for (i = 0; i < each_value_2.length; i += 1) { - const child_ctx = get_each_context_2(ctx, each_value_2, i); - - if (each_blocks[i]) { - each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty); - } else { - each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_2(child_ctx); - each_blocks[i].c(); - each_blocks[i].m(ol, t); - } - } - - for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i].d(1); - } - - each_blocks.length = each_value_2.length; - } - }, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(ol); - destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "if", - source: "(61:89) ", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -// (55:20) {#if typeof (line === 'object') && (Object.keys(line)[0]=="ul")} -function create_if_block_1(ctx) { - let ul; - let t; - let each_value_1 = /*line*/ ctx[3].ul; - validate_each_argument(each_value_1); - let each_blocks = []; - - for (let i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1(get_each_context_1(ctx, each_value_1, i)); - } - - const block = { - c: function create() { - ul = element("ul"); - - for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i].c(); - } - - t = space(); - add_location(ul, file, 55, 24, 1598); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, ul, anchor); - - for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i].m(ul, null); - } - - append_dev(ul, t); - }, - p: function update(ctx, dirty) { - if (dirty & /*manifesto*/ 2) { - each_value_1 = /*line*/ ctx[3].ul; - validate_each_argument(each_value_1); - let i; - - for (i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) { - const child_ctx = get_each_context_1(ctx, each_value_1, i); - - if (each_blocks[i]) { - each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty); - } else { - each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1(child_ctx); - each_blocks[i].c(); - each_blocks[i].m(ul, t); - } - } - - for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i].d(1); - } - - each_blocks.length = each_value_1.length; - } - }, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(ul); - destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "if", - source: "(55:20) {#if typeof (line === 'object') && (Object.keys(line)[0]==\\\"ul\\\")}", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -// (63:28) {#each line.ol as line2} -function create_each_block_2(ctx) { - let li; - let raw_value = /*line2*/ ctx[6] + ""; - - const block = { - c: function create() { - li = element("li"); - add_location(li, file, 63, 32, 1983); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, li, anchor); - li.innerHTML = raw_value; - }, - p: noop, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(li); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "each", - source: "(63:28) {#each line.ol as line2}", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -// (57:28) {#each line.ul as line2} -function create_each_block_1(ctx) { - let li; - let t_value = /*line2*/ ctx[6] + ""; - let t; - - const block = { - c: function create() { - li = element("li"); - t = text(t_value); - add_location(li, file, 57, 32, 1690); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, li, anchor); - append_dev(li, t); - }, - p: noop, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(li); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "each", - source: "(57:28) {#each line.ul as line2}", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -// (53:12) {#each manifesto as line} -function create_each_block(ctx) { - let if_block_anchor; - let if_block = /*line*/ ctx[3] !== "" && create_if_block(ctx); - - const block = { - c: function create() { - if (if_block) if_block.c(); - if_block_anchor = empty(); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - if (if_block) if_block.m(target, anchor); - insert_dev(target, if_block_anchor, anchor); - }, - p: function update(ctx, dirty) { - if (/*line*/ ctx[3] !== "") if_block.p(ctx, dirty); - }, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (if_block) if_block.d(detaching); - if (detaching) detach_dev(if_block_anchor); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "each", - source: "(53:12) {#each manifesto as line}", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -// (52:8) {#key key} -function create_key_block(ctx) { - let each_1_anchor; - let each_value = /*manifesto*/ ctx[1]; - validate_each_argument(each_value); - let each_blocks = []; - - for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i)); - } - - const block = { - c: function create() { - for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i].c(); - } - - each_1_anchor = empty(); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i].m(target, anchor); - } - - insert_dev(target, each_1_anchor, anchor); - }, - p: function update(ctx, dirty) { - if (dirty & /*manifesto, Object*/ 2) { - each_value = /*manifesto*/ ctx[1]; - validate_each_argument(each_value); - let i; - - for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { - const child_ctx = get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i); - - if (each_blocks[i]) { - each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty); - } else { - each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(child_ctx); - each_blocks[i].c(); - each_blocks[i].m(each_1_anchor.parentNode, each_1_anchor); - } - } - - for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i].d(1); - } - - each_blocks.length = each_value.length; - } - }, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching); - if (detaching) detach_dev(each_1_anchor); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "key", - source: "(52:8) {#key key}", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -function create_fragment(ctx) { - let div1; - let div0; - let previous_key = /*key*/ ctx[0]; - let key_block = create_key_block(ctx); - - const block = { - c: function create() { - div1 = element("div"); - div0 = element("div"); - key_block.c(); - this.c = noop; - attr_dev(div0, "id", "text-container"); - add_location(div0, file, 50, 4, 1369); - attr_dev(div1, "id", "container"); - add_location(div1, file, 49, 0, 1343); - }, - l: function claim(nodes) { - throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option"); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, div1, anchor); - append_dev(div1, div0); - key_block.m(div0, null); - }, - p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) { - if (dirty & /*key*/ 1 && safe_not_equal(previous_key, previous_key = /*key*/ ctx[0])) { - key_block.d(1); - key_block = create_key_block(ctx); - key_block.c(); - key_block.m(div0, null); - } else { - key_block.p(ctx, dirty); - } - }, - i: noop, - o: noop, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(div1); - key_block.d(detaching); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "component", - source: "", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { - let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; - validate_slots('manifesto-component', slots, []); - let manifesto = []; - let key; - const htmlDelims = ["ul", "ol"]; - - getData("/assets/manifesto.txt", function (response) { - let splitText = response.split(/\r?\n/); - - for (let j = 0; j < splitText.length; j++) { - let line = splitText[j]; - let delimInd = => line.includes("<" + x + ">")).findIndex(x => x); - - if (delimInd != -1) { - let delim = htmlDelims[delimInd]; - let obj = {}; - obj[delim] = []; - let delimEndTag = ""; - - while (true) { - j += 1; - line = splitText[j]; - - if (line.includes(delimEndTag)) { - manifesto.push(obj); - break; - } else { - obj[delim].push(line); - } - } - } else { - manifesto.push(line); - } - } - - $$invalidate(0, key += 1); - }); - - onMount(() => { - - }); - - const writable_props = []; - - Object_1.keys($$props).forEach(key => { - if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); - }); - - $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ - onMount, - getData, - manifesto, - key, - htmlDelims - }); - - $$self.$inject_state = $$props => { - if ('manifesto' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, manifesto = $$props.manifesto); - if ('key' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, key = $$props.key); - }; - - if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) { - $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject); - } - - return [key, manifesto]; -} - -class Manifesto_component extends SvelteElement { - constructor(options) { - super(); - this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``; - - init( - this, - { - target: this.shadowRoot, - props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes), - customElement: true - }, - instance, - create_fragment, - safe_not_equal, - {}, - null - ); - - if (options) { - if ( { - insert_dev(, this, options.anchor); - } - } - } -} - -customElements.define("manifesto-component", Manifesto_component); - -export { Manifesto_component as default }; +import{S as t,i as e,a as n,b as r,s as l,e as o,n as i,f as c,g as s,h as m,o as a,w as u,j as f,c as h,t as g,H as d}from"./index-04d7984b.js";import{getData as p}from"../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/serverTools.js";function x(t,e,n){const r=t.slice();return r[3]=e[n],r}function b(t,e,n){const r=t.slice();return r[6]=e[n],r}function j(t,e,n){const r=t.slice();return r[6]=e[n],r}function w(t){let e,n,l,a=t[3]+"";return{c(){e=o("p"),n=new d(!1),l=h(),n.a=l,c(e,"class","margin-end")},m(t,o){r(t,e,o),n.m(a,e),s(e,l)},p:i,d(t){t&&m(e)}}}function H(t){let e,n=t[3].slice(2,t[3].length)+"";return{c(){e=o("h1")},m(t,l){r(t,e,l),e.innerHTML=n},p:i,d(t){t&&m(e)}}}function T(t){let e,n=t[3].slice(3,t[3].length)+"";return{c(){e=o("h2")},m(t,l){r(t,e,l),e.innerHTML=n},p:i,d(t){t&&m(e)}}}function v(t){let e,n=t[3].slice(4,t[3].length)+"";return{c(){e=o("h3")},m(t,l){r(t,e,l),e.innerHTML=n},p:i,d(t){t&&m(e)}}}function y(t){let e,n,l=t[3].ol,i=[];for(let e=0;en.includes("<"+t+">"))).findIndex((t=>t));if(-1!=r){let i=o[r],c={};c[i]=[];let s="";for(;;){if(t+=1,n=e[t],n.includes(s)){l.push(c);break}c[i].push(n)}}else l.push(n)}n(0,r+=1)})),a((()=>{})),[r,l]}class I extends t{constructor(t){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",e(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:n(this.attributes),customElement:!0},R,O,l,{},null),t&&,this,t.anchor)}}customElements.define("manifesto-component",I);export{I as default}; diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/map-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/map-component.js index 76eb62f..ce963bb 100644 --- a/Server/public/js/components/map-component.js +++ b/Server/public/js/components/map-component.js @@ -1,152 +1 @@ - -(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document); -import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, p as flush, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, c as validate_slots, o as onMount, e as element, n as noop, j as attr_dev, g as add_location, l as detach_dev, r as binding_callbacks } from './index-3e97afc8.js'; - -/* src\components\map-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */ -const file = "src\\components\\map-component.svelte"; - -function create_fragment(ctx) { - let div; - - const block = { - c: function create() { - div = element("div"); - this.c = noop; - attr_dev(div, "id", "map"); - add_location(div, file, 30, 0, 720); - }, - l: function claim(nodes) { - throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option"); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, div, anchor); - /*div_binding*/ ctx[2](div); - }, - p: noop, - i: noop, - o: noop, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(div); - /*div_binding*/ ctx[2](null); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "component", - source: "", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { - let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; - validate_slots('map-component', slots, []); - let { callback = null } = $$props; - - // Main code - let mapContainer; - - function createMap(center, zoom) { - let map =, { center, zoom }); - - L.tileLayer('{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { - attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors' - }).addTo(map); - - return map; - } - - onMount(() => { - callback(createMap); - }); - - const writable_props = ['callback']; - - Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => { - if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); - }); - - function div_binding($$value) { - binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => { - mapContainer = $$value; - $$invalidate(0, mapContainer); - }); - } - - $$self.$$set = $$props => { - if ('callback' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, callback = $$props.callback); - }; - - $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ - onMount, - callback, - mapContainer, - createMap - }); - - $$self.$inject_state = $$props => { - if ('callback' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, callback = $$props.callback); - if ('mapContainer' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, mapContainer = $$props.mapContainer); - }; - - if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) { - $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject); - } - - return [mapContainer, callback, div_binding]; -} - -class Map_component extends SvelteElement { - constructor(options) { - super(); - - this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``; - - init( - this, - { - target: this.shadowRoot, - props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes), - customElement: true - }, - instance, - create_fragment, - safe_not_equal, - { callback: 1 }, - null - ); - - if (options) { - if ( { - insert_dev(, this, options.anchor); - } - - if (options.props) { - this.$set(options.props); - flush(); - } - } - } - - static get observedAttributes() { - return ["callback"]; - } - - get callback() { - return this.$$.ctx[1]; - } - - set callback(callback) { - this.$$set({ callback }); - flush(); - } -} - -customElements.define("map-component", Map_component); - -export { Map_component as default }; +import{S as t,i as a,a as e,b as s,k as r,s as o,e as n,n as i,f as c,h as l,o as p,q as h}from"./index-04d7984b.js";function u(t){let a;return{c(){a=n("div"),this.c=i,c(a,"id","map")},m(e,r){s(e,a,r),t[2](a)},p:i,i:i,o:i,d(e){e&&l(a),t[2](null)}}}function m(t,a,e){let s,{callback:r=null}=a;function o(t,a){let,{center:t,zoom:a});return L.tileLayer("{z}/{x}/{y}.png",{attribution:'© OpenStreetMap contributors'}).addTo(e),e}return p((()=>{r(o)})),t.$$set=t=>{"callback"in t&&e(1,r=t.callback)},[s,r,function(t){h[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{s=t,e(0,s)}))}]}class b extends t{constructor(t){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",a(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:e(this.attributes),customElement:!0},m,u,o,{callback:1},null),t&&(,this,t.anchor),t.props&&(this.$set(t.props),r()))}static get observedAttributes(){return["callback"]}get callback(){return this.$$.ctx[1]}set callback(t){this.$$set({callback:t}),r()}}customElements.define("map-component",b);export{b as default}; diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/navbar-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/navbar-component.js index 53dd56e..67cf18a 100644 --- a/Server/public/js/components/navbar-component.js +++ b/Server/public/js/components/navbar-component.js @@ -1,265 +1 @@ - -(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document); -import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, c as validate_slots, o as onMount, e as element, f as space, n as noop, A as src_url_equal, j as attr_dev, g as add_location, k as append_dev, w as listen_dev, l as detach_dev, r as binding_callbacks } from './index-3e97afc8.js'; - -/* src\navbar\navbar-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */ -const file = "src\\navbar\\navbar-component.svelte"; - -function create_fragment(ctx) { - let header; - let a0; - let img; - let img_src_value; - let t0; - let span0; - let t2; - let input; - let t3; - let label; - let span1; - let t4; - let nav; - let ul; - let li0; - let a1; - let t6; - let li1; - let a2; - let t8; - let li2; - let a3; - let t10; - let li3; - let a4; - let t12; - let li4; - let a5; - let mounted; - let dispose; - - const block = { - c: function create() { - header = element("header"); - a0 = element("a"); - img = element("img"); - t0 = space(); - span0 = element("span"); - span0.textContent = "Libertarian socialists"; - t2 = space(); - input = element("input"); - t3 = space(); - label = element("label"); - span1 = element("span"); - t4 = space(); - nav = element("nav"); - ul = element("ul"); - li0 = element("li"); - a1 = element("a"); - a1.textContent = "Manifesto"; - t6 = space(); - li1 = element("li"); - a2 = element("a"); - a2.textContent = "Join us"; - t8 = space(); - li2 = element("li"); - a3 = element("a"); - a3.textContent = "Groups"; - t10 = space(); - li3 = element("li"); - a4 = element("a"); - a4.textContent = "Communities"; - t12 = space(); - li4 = element("li"); - a5 = element("a"); - a5.textContent = "Cooperatives"; - this.c = noop; - if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = "img/common/flag.png")) attr_dev(img, "src", img_src_value); - attr_dev(img, "id", "navbar-logo"); - attr_dev(img, "alt", "logo"); - add_location(img, file, 37, 8, 812); - attr_dev(span0, "id", "navbar-logo-text"); - add_location(span0, file, 38, 8, 881); - attr_dev(a0, "id", "logo-container"); - attr_dev(a0, "href", "/"); - add_location(a0, file, 36, 4, 772); - attr_dev(input, "type", "checkbox"); - attr_dev(input, "id", "side-menu"); - add_location(input, file, 41, 4, 983); - attr_dev(span1, "id", "hamb-line"); - add_location(span1, file, 42, 37, 1106); - attr_dev(label, "id", "hamb"); - attr_dev(label, "for", "side-menu"); - add_location(label, file, 42, 4, 1073); - attr_dev(a1, "href", "/manifesto"); - add_location(a1, file, 46, 16, 1223); - add_location(li0, file, 46, 12, 1219); - attr_dev(a2, "href", "/join-us"); - add_location(a2, file, 47, 16, 1280); - add_location(li1, file, 47, 12, 1276); - attr_dev(a3, "href", "/groups"); - add_location(a3, file, 48, 16, 1333); - add_location(li2, file, 48, 12, 1329); - attr_dev(a4, "href", "/communities"); - add_location(a4, file, 49, 16, 1384); - add_location(li3, file, 49, 12, 1380); - attr_dev(a5, "href", "/cooperatives"); - add_location(a5, file, 50, 16, 1445); - add_location(li4, file, 50, 12, 1441); - attr_dev(ul, "id", "menu"); - add_location(ul, file, 45, 8, 1191); - attr_dev(nav, "id", "nav"); - add_location(nav, file, 44, 4, 1167); - attr_dev(header, "id", "navbar"); - add_location(header, file, 34, 0, 708); - }, - l: function claim(nodes) { - throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option"); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, header, anchor); - append_dev(header, a0); - append_dev(a0, img); - append_dev(a0, t0); - append_dev(a0, span0); - append_dev(header, t2); - append_dev(header, input); - /*input_binding*/ ctx[3](input); - append_dev(header, t3); - append_dev(header, label); - append_dev(label, span1); - append_dev(header, t4); - append_dev(header, nav); - append_dev(nav, ul); - append_dev(ul, li0); - append_dev(li0, a1); - append_dev(ul, t6); - append_dev(ul, li1); - append_dev(li1, a2); - append_dev(ul, t8); - append_dev(ul, li2); - append_dev(li2, a3); - append_dev(ul, t10); - append_dev(ul, li3); - append_dev(li3, a4); - append_dev(ul, t12); - append_dev(ul, li4); - append_dev(li4, a5); - /*header_binding*/ ctx[4](header); - - if (!mounted) { - dispose = listen_dev(input, "click", /*changeNavbar*/ ctx[2], false, false, false); - mounted = true; - } - }, - p: noop, - i: noop, - o: noop, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(header); - /*input_binding*/ ctx[3](null); - /*header_binding*/ ctx[4](null); - mounted = false; - dispose(); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "component", - source: "", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { - let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; - validate_slots('navbar-component', slots, []); - let hambInput; - let navbar; - - function changeNavbar() { - if (hambInput.checked) { - $$invalidate(1, = "white", navbar); - } else { - setTimeout( - () => { - $$invalidate(1, = "relative", navbar); - $$invalidate(1, = "", navbar); - $$invalidate(1, = "", navbar); - }, - 510 - ); - } - } - - onMount(() => { - - }); - - const writable_props = []; - - Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => { - if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); - }); - - function input_binding($$value) { - binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => { - hambInput = $$value; - $$invalidate(0, hambInput); - }); - } - - function header_binding($$value) { - binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => { - navbar = $$value; - $$invalidate(1, navbar); - }); - } - - $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ onMount, hambInput, navbar, changeNavbar }); - - $$self.$inject_state = $$props => { - if ('hambInput' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, hambInput = $$props.hambInput); - if ('navbar' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, navbar = $$props.navbar); - }; - - if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) { - $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject); - } - - return [hambInput, navbar, changeNavbar, input_binding, header_binding]; -} - -class Navbar_component extends SvelteElement { - constructor(options) { - super(); - this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``; - - init( - this, - { - target: this.shadowRoot, - props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes), - customElement: true - }, - instance, - create_fragment, - safe_not_equal, - {}, - null - ); - - if (options) { - if ( { - insert_dev(, this, options.anchor); - } - } - } -} - -customElements.define("navbar-component", Navbar_component); - -export { Navbar_component as default }; +import{S as s,i,a as n,b as a,s as e,e as t,c as o,n as r,f as l,g as u,m as c,h as m,o as h,q as d}from"./index-04d7984b.js";function p(s){let i,n,e,h,d,p,f,b,g,v;return{c(){i=t("header"),n=t("a"),n.innerHTML=' \n Libertarian socialists',e=o(),h=t("input"),d=o(),p=t("label"),p.innerHTML='',f=o(),b=t("nav"),b.innerHTML='',this.c=r,l(n,"id","logo-container"),l(n,"href","/"),l(h,"type","checkbox"),l(h,"id","side-menu"),l(p,"id","hamb"),l(p,"for","side-menu"),l(b,"id","nav"),l(i,"id","navbar")},m(t,o){a(t,i,o),u(i,n),u(i,e),u(i,h),s[3](h),u(i,d),u(i,p),u(i,f),u(i,b),s[4](i),g||(v=c(h,"click",s[2]),g=!0)},p:r,i:r,o:r,d(n){n&&m(i),s[3](null),s[4](null),g=!1,v()}}}function f(s,i,n){let a,e;return h((()=>{})),[a,e,function(){a.checked?n(1,"white",e):setTimeout((()=>{n(1,"relative",e),n(1,"",e),n(1,"",e)}),510)},function(s){d[s?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{a=s,n(0,a)}))},function(s){d[s?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{e=s,n(1,e)}))}]}class b extends s{constructor(s){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",i(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:n(this.attributes),customElement:!0},f,p,e,{},null),s&&,this,s.anchor)}}customElements.define("navbar-component",b);export{b as default}; diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/pane-aligner.js b/Server/public/js/components/pane-aligner.js index 8a487ce..fc3e51a 100644 --- a/Server/public/js/components/pane-aligner.js +++ b/Server/public/js/components/pane-aligner.js @@ -1,304 +1 @@ - -(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document); -import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, c as validate_slots, y as getContext, o as onMount, z as setContext, e as element, f as space, n as noop, j as attr_dev, g as add_location, k as append_dev, l as detach_dev, r as binding_callbacks } from './index-3e97afc8.js'; -import { debounce } from '../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/miscTools.js'; - -/* src\components\pane-aligner.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */ -const file = "src\\components\\pane-aligner.svelte"; - -function create_fragment(ctx) { - let div6; - let div5; - let div2; - let div0; - let slot0; - let t0; - let div1; - let slot1; - let t1; - let div3; - let slot2; - let t2; - let div4; - let slot3; - - const block = { - c: function create() { - div6 = element("div"); - div5 = element("div"); - div2 = element("div"); - div0 = element("div"); - slot0 = element("slot"); - t0 = space(); - div1 = element("div"); - slot1 = element("slot"); - t1 = space(); - div3 = element("div"); - slot2 = element("slot"); - t2 = space(); - div4 = element("div"); - slot3 = element("slot"); - this.c = noop; - attr_dev(slot0, "name", "sidebar-left"); - add_location(slot0, file, 74, 16, 2567); - attr_dev(div0, "id", "sidebar-left"); - attr_dev(div0, "class", "pane"); - add_location(div0, file, 73, 12, 2489); - attr_dev(slot1, "name", "sidebar-left2"); - add_location(slot1, file, 77, 16, 2714); - attr_dev(div1, "id", "sidebar-left2"); - attr_dev(div1, "class", "pane"); - add_location(div1, file, 76, 12, 2634); - attr_dev(div2, "id", "sidebars-left"); - attr_dev(div2, "class", "sidebar"); - add_location(div2, file, 72, 8, 2435); - attr_dev(slot2, "name", "sidebar-right"); - add_location(slot2, file, 81, 12, 2879); - attr_dev(div3, "id", "sidebar-right"); - attr_dev(div3, "class", "pane sidebar"); - add_location(div3, file, 80, 8, 2794); - attr_dev(slot3, "name", "main"); - attr_dev(slot3, "id", "main-slot"); - add_location(slot3, file, 84, 12, 3007); - attr_dev(div4, "id", "main-pane"); - attr_dev(div4, "class", "pane"); - add_location(div4, file, 83, 8, 2939); - attr_dev(div5, "class", "pane-container"); - add_location(div5, file, 71, 4, 2397); - attr_dev(div6, "id", "root"); - attr_dev(div6, "class", "pane-centering"); - add_location(div6, file, 70, 0, 2336); - }, - l: function claim(nodes) { - throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option"); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, div6, anchor); - append_dev(div6, div5); - append_dev(div5, div2); - append_dev(div2, div0); - append_dev(div0, slot0); - /*div0_binding*/ ctx[5](div0); - append_dev(div2, t0); - append_dev(div2, div1); - append_dev(div1, slot1); - /*div1_binding*/ ctx[6](div1); - append_dev(div5, t1); - append_dev(div5, div3); - append_dev(div3, slot2); - /*div3_binding*/ ctx[7](div3); - append_dev(div5, t2); - append_dev(div5, div4); - append_dev(div4, slot3); - /*div4_binding*/ ctx[8](div4); - /*div6_binding*/ ctx[9](div6); - }, - p: noop, - i: noop, - o: noop, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(div6); - /*div0_binding*/ ctx[5](null); - /*div1_binding*/ ctx[6](null); - /*div3_binding*/ ctx[7](null); - /*div4_binding*/ ctx[8](null); - /*div6_binding*/ ctx[9](null); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "component", - source: "", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { - let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; - validate_slots('pane-aligner', slots, []); - let root; - let mainPane; - let sidebarLeft; - let sidebarLeft2; - let sidebarRight; - let parentProps = getContext("alignerParent"); - - let switchView = parentProps != undefined - ? getContext("alignerParent").switchView - : undefined; - - let leftReplaced = false; - let left2Replaced = false; - let rightReplaced = false; - let switchViewReplaced = false; - - function adjustSlotted() { - if (root.parentNode != null) { - let slotted =; - - if (slotted.length == 0) { - setTimeout(adjustSlotted, 50); - } else { - let changed = false; - let html = root.parentNode.innerHTML; - - for (let item of slotted) { - if (item.slot == "sidebar-left" && !leftReplaced) { - html = html.replace("#sidebar-left{display:none}", ""); - leftReplaced = true; - changed = true; - } else if (item.slot == "sidebar-left2" && !left2Replaced) { - html = html.replace("#sidebar-left2{display:none}", ""); - left2Replaced = true; - changed = true; - } else if (item.slot == "sidebar-right" && !rightReplaced) { - html = html.replace("#sidebar-right{display:none;", "#sidebar-right{"); - rightReplaced = true; - changed = true; - } - } - - if (switchView != undefined && !switchViewReplaced) { - html = html.replace("1880px", switchView); - changed = true; - } - - if (changed) { - $$invalidate(0, root.parentNode.innerHTML = html, root); - } - } - } - } - - window.addEventListener("resize", debounce(adjustSlotted, 100)); - - onMount(() => { - adjustSlotted(); - }); - - const writable_props = []; - - Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => { - if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); - }); - - function div0_binding($$value) { - binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => { - sidebarLeft = $$value; - $$invalidate(2, sidebarLeft); - }); - } - - function div1_binding($$value) { - binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => { - sidebarLeft2 = $$value; - $$invalidate(3, sidebarLeft2); - }); - } - - function div3_binding($$value) { - binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => { - sidebarRight = $$value; - $$invalidate(4, sidebarRight); - }); - } - - function div4_binding($$value) { - binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => { - mainPane = $$value; - $$invalidate(1, mainPane); - }); - } - - function div6_binding($$value) { - binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => { - root = $$value; - $$invalidate(0, root); - }); - } - - $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ - getContext, - setContext, - onMount, - debounce, - root, - mainPane, - sidebarLeft, - sidebarLeft2, - sidebarRight, - parentProps, - switchView, - leftReplaced, - left2Replaced, - rightReplaced, - switchViewReplaced, - adjustSlotted - }); - - $$self.$inject_state = $$props => { - if ('root' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, root = $$props.root); - if ('mainPane' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, mainPane = $$props.mainPane); - if ('sidebarLeft' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, sidebarLeft = $$props.sidebarLeft); - if ('sidebarLeft2' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, sidebarLeft2 = $$props.sidebarLeft2); - if ('sidebarRight' in $$props) $$invalidate(4, sidebarRight = $$props.sidebarRight); - if ('parentProps' in $$props) parentProps = $$props.parentProps; - if ('switchView' in $$props) switchView = $$props.switchView; - if ('leftReplaced' in $$props) leftReplaced = $$props.leftReplaced; - if ('left2Replaced' in $$props) left2Replaced = $$props.left2Replaced; - if ('rightReplaced' in $$props) rightReplaced = $$props.rightReplaced; - if ('switchViewReplaced' in $$props) switchViewReplaced = $$props.switchViewReplaced; - }; - - if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) { - $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject); - } - - return [ - root, - mainPane, - sidebarLeft, - sidebarLeft2, - sidebarRight, - div0_binding, - div1_binding, - div3_binding, - div4_binding, - div6_binding - ]; -} - -class Pane_aligner extends SvelteElement { - constructor(options) { - super(); - this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``; - - init( - this, - { - target: this.shadowRoot, - props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes), - customElement: true - }, - instance, - create_fragment, - safe_not_equal, - {}, - null - ); - - if (options) { - if ( { - insert_dev(, this, options.anchor); - } - } - } -} - -customElements.define("pane-aligner", Pane_aligner); - -export { Pane_aligner as default }; +import{S as i,i as e,a,b as t,s as n,e as r,c as s,n as d,f as o,g as l,h as m,r as p,o as h,q as g}from"./index-04d7984b.js";import{debounce as c}from"../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/miscTools.js";function f(i){let e,a,n,p,h,g,c,f,u,b;return{c(){e=r("div"),a=r("div"),n=r("div"),p=r("div"),p.innerHTML='',h=s(),g=r("div"),g.innerHTML='',c=s(),f=r("div"),f.innerHTML='',u=s(),b=r("div"),b.innerHTML='',this.c=d,o(p,"id","sidebar-left"),o(p,"class","pane"),o(g,"id","sidebar-left2"),o(g,"class","pane"),o(n,"id","sidebars-left"),o(n,"class","sidebar"),o(f,"id","sidebar-right"),o(f,"class","pane sidebar"),o(b,"id","main-pane"),o(b,"class","pane"),o(a,"class","pane-container"),o(e,"id","root"),o(e,"class","pane-centering")},m(r,s){t(r,e,s),l(e,a),l(a,n),l(n,p),i[5](p),l(n,h),l(n,g),i[6](g),l(a,c),l(a,f),i[7](f),l(a,u),l(a,b),i[8](b),i[9](e)},p:d,i:d,o:d,d(a){a&&m(e),i[5](null),i[6](null),i[7](null),i[8](null),i[9](null)}}}function u(i,e,a){let t,n,r,s,d,o=null!=p("alignerParent")?p("alignerParent").switchView:void 0,l=!1,m=!1,f=!1;function u(){if(null!=t.parentNode){let;if(0==i.length)setTimeout(u,50);else{let e=!1,n=t.parentNode.innerHTML;for(let a of i)"sidebar-left"!=a.slot||l?"sidebar-left2"!=a.slot||m?"sidebar-right"!=a.slot||f||(n=n.replace("#sidebar-right{display:none;","#sidebar-right{"),f=!0,e=!0):(n=n.replace("#sidebar-left2{display:none}",""),m=!0,e=!0):(n=n.replace("#sidebar-left{display:none}",""),l=!0,e=!0);null!=o&&(n=n.replace("1880px",o),e=!0),e&&a(0,t.parentNode.innerHTML=n,t)}}}return window.addEventListener("resize",c(u,100)),h((()=>{u()})),[t,n,r,s,d,function(i){g[i?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{r=i,a(2,r)}))},function(i){g[i?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{s=i,a(3,s)}))},function(i){g[i?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{d=i,a(4,d)}))},function(i){g[i?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{n=i,a(1,n)}))},function(i){g[i?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{t=i,a(0,t)}))}]}class b extends i{constructor(i){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",e(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:a(this.attributes),customElement:!0},u,f,n,{},null),i&&,this,i.anchor)}}customElements.define("pane-aligner",b);export{b as default}; diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/select-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/select-component.js index c2e817c..ef61f92 100644 --- a/Server/public/js/components/select-component.js +++ b/Server/public/js/components/select-component.js @@ -1,593 +1 @@ - -(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document); -import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, p as flush, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, c as validate_slots, o as onMount, v as validate_each_argument, e as element, n as noop, j as attr_dev, g as add_location, l as detach_dev, r as binding_callbacks, t as text, f as space, A as src_url_equal, u as set_style, k as append_dev, w as listen_dev, x as set_data_dev, m as destroy_each } from './index-3e97afc8.js'; -import { px2rem, getTextWidth, getCanvasFont } from '../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/miscTools.js'; - -/* src\components\select-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */ -const file = "src\\components\\select-component.svelte"; - -function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) { - const child_ctx = ctx.slice(); - child_ctx[26] = list[i]; - child_ctx[27] = list; - child_ctx[28] = i; - return child_ctx; -} - -// (135:12) {#each options as option, i} -function create_each_block(ctx) { - let button; - let span; - let t0_value = /*option*/ ctx[26] + ""; - let t0; - let t1; - let i = /*i*/ ctx[28]; - let mounted; - let dispose; - const assign_button = () => /*button_binding_1*/ ctx[14](button, i); - const unassign_button = () => /*button_binding_1*/ ctx[14](null, i); - - function click_handler() { - return /*click_handler*/ ctx[15](/*i*/ ctx[28]); - } - - const block = { - c: function create() { - button = element("button"); - span = element("span"); - t0 = text(t0_value); - t1 = space(); - add_location(span, file, 136, 20, 4826); - button.value = /*i*/ ctx[28]; - add_location(button, file, 135, 16, 4715); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, button, anchor); - append_dev(button, span); - append_dev(span, t0); - append_dev(button, t1); - assign_button(); - - if (!mounted) { - dispose = listen_dev(button, "click", click_handler, false, false, false); - mounted = true; - } - }, - p: function update(new_ctx, dirty) { - ctx = new_ctx; - if (dirty & /*options*/ 4 && t0_value !== (t0_value = /*option*/ ctx[26] + "")) set_data_dev(t0, t0_value); - - if (i !== /*i*/ ctx[28]) { - unassign_button(); - i = /*i*/ ctx[28]; - assign_button(); - } - }, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(button); - unassign_button(); - mounted = false; - dispose(); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "each", - source: "(135:12) {#each options as option, i}", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -// (127:4) {#key key} -function create_key_block(ctx) { - let button; - let div0; - let span; - let t0_value = (/*value*/ ctx[0] != null ? /*value*/ ctx[0] : "") + ""; - let t0; - let t1; - let img; - let img_src_value; - let t2; - let div1; - let mounted; - let dispose; - let each_value = /*options*/ ctx[2]; - validate_each_argument(each_value); - let each_blocks = []; - - for (let i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i)); - } - - const block = { - c: function create() { - button = element("button"); - div0 = element("div"); - span = element("span"); - t0 = text(t0_value); - t1 = space(); - img = element("img"); - t2 = space(); - div1 = element("div"); - - for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i].c(); - } - - attr_dev(span, "id", "current-options-span"); - add_location(span, file, 129, 16, 4359); - attr_dev(div0, "id", "current-options-div"); - add_location(div0, file, 128, 12, 4311); - attr_dev(img, "id", "arrow-down"); - if (!src_url_equal(img.src, img_src_value = "../assets/arrow_down.svg")) attr_dev(img, "src", img_src_value); - attr_dev(img, "alt", "arrow down"); - add_location(img, file, 131, 12, 4484); - attr_dev(button, "id", "current-option-button"); - add_location(button, file, 127, 8, 4202); - attr_dev(div1, "id", "options-holder"); - set_style(div1, "display", "none"); - add_location(div1, file, 133, 8, 4582); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, button, anchor); - append_dev(button, div0); - append_dev(div0, span); - append_dev(span, t0); - /*span_binding*/ ctx[12](span); - append_dev(button, t1); - append_dev(button, img); - /*button_binding*/ ctx[13](button); - insert_dev(target, t2, anchor); - insert_dev(target, div1, anchor); - - for (let i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i].m(div1, null); - } - - /*div1_binding*/ ctx[16](div1); - - if (!mounted) { - dispose = listen_dev(button, "click", /*changeVisibility*/ ctx[9], false, false, false); - mounted = true; - } - }, - p: function update(ctx, dirty) { - if (dirty & /*value*/ 1 && t0_value !== (t0_value = (/*value*/ ctx[0] != null ? /*value*/ ctx[0] : "") + "")) set_data_dev(t0, t0_value); - - if (dirty & /*optionButtons, changeOption, callback, options*/ 1062) { - each_value = /*options*/ ctx[2]; - validate_each_argument(each_value); - let i; - - for (i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) { - const child_ctx = get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i); - - if (each_blocks[i]) { - each_blocks[i].p(child_ctx, dirty); - } else { - each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(child_ctx); - each_blocks[i].c(); - each_blocks[i].m(div1, null); - } - } - - for (; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) { - each_blocks[i].d(1); - } - - each_blocks.length = each_value.length; - } - }, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(button); - /*span_binding*/ ctx[12](null); - /*button_binding*/ ctx[13](null); - if (detaching) detach_dev(t2); - if (detaching) detach_dev(div1); - destroy_each(each_blocks, detaching); - /*div1_binding*/ ctx[16](null); - mounted = false; - dispose(); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "key", - source: "(127:4) {#key key}", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -function create_fragment(ctx) { - let div; - let previous_key = /*key*/ ctx[8]; - let key_block = create_key_block(ctx); - - const block = { - c: function create() { - div = element("div"); - key_block.c(); - this.c = noop; - attr_dev(div, "class", "select"); - add_location(div, file, 125, 0, 4137); - }, - l: function claim(nodes) { - throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option"); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, div, anchor); - key_block.m(div, null); - /*div_binding*/ ctx[17](div); - }, - p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) { - if (dirty & /*key*/ 256 && safe_not_equal(previous_key, previous_key = /*key*/ ctx[8])) { - key_block.d(1); - key_block = create_key_block(ctx); - key_block.c(); - key_block.m(div, null); - } else { - key_block.p(ctx, dirty); - } - }, - i: noop, - o: noop, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(div); - key_block.d(detaching); - /*div_binding*/ ctx[17](null); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "component", - source: "", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { - let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; - validate_slots('select-component', slots, []); - let { callback = null } = $$props; - let { options = [""] } = $$props; - let { value = null } = $$props; - let { valueindex = null } = $$props; - - // Main code - let root = arguments[0]; - - let select; - let optionsHolder; - let optionButtons = []; - let currentOption; - let currentOptionButton; - let init = false; - let key = 0; - let obs = null; - - function setKeyValue(value, options) { - if (value !== null) { - if (options.includes(value)) { - let index = options.findIndex(element => element == value); - $$invalidate(6, currentOption.innerHTML = value, currentOption); - $$invalidate(5, optionButtons[index].style.display = "none", optionButtons); - $$invalidate(11, valueindex = index); - } - - $$invalidate(8, key += 1); - } - } - - function setKeyIndex(valueindex, options) { - if (valueindex != null && options != undefined && options[valueindex] != value) { - $$invalidate(0, value = options[valueindex]); - $$invalidate(8, key += 1); - } - } - - function indexToValue(index) { - $$invalidate(0, value = options[index]); - } - - function changeVisibility() { - if ( == "none") { - $$invalidate(4, = "initial", optionsHolder); - } else { - $$invalidate(4, = "none", optionsHolder); - } - } - - function changeOption(index, callback) { - $$invalidate(11, valueindex = index); - $$invalidate(0, value = options[index]); - - if (callback != undefined && callback != null) { - callback(index); - } - } - - function hideSelect() { - $$invalidate(4, = "none", optionsHolder); - } - - function changeOptionsWidth(select, optionsHolder) { - let selectWidth; - - if (select != undefined && optionsHolder != undefined) { - let selectWidthText = getComputedStyle(select).getPropertyValue('--width'); - - if (isNaN(selectWidthText) || selectWidthText == "") { - if (obs == null) { - obs = new ResizeObserver(() => changeOptionsWidth(select, optionsHolder)); - obs.observe(currentOptionButton); - return; - } else { - selectWidthText = getComputedStyle(currentOptionButton).getPropertyValue('width'); - selectWidth = px2rem(parseFloat(selectWidthText.slice(0, selectWidthText.length - 2))); - } - } else { - selectWidth = parseFloat(selectWidthText.slice(0, selectWidthText.length - 2)); - } - - let spanWidths = []; - - for (let i = 0; i < optionsHolder.children.length; i++) { - let span = optionsHolder.children[i].children[0]; - let spanWidth = getTextWidth(span.innerHTML, getCanvasFont(span)); - spanWidths.push(spanWidth); - } - - let maxOptionsWidth = px2rem(Math.max(...spanWidths)); - - if (maxOptionsWidth > selectWidth) { - let width = 1.1 * maxOptionsWidth + "rem"; - = width; - - for (let i = 0; i < optionsHolder.children.length; i++) { - let button = optionsHolder.children[i]; - = width; - } - - = -(1.1 * maxOptionsWidth - selectWidth) / 2 - 0.05 + "rem"; - } else { - let width = selectWidth + 0.1 + "rem"; - - for (let i = 0; i < optionsHolder.children.length; i++) { - let button = optionsHolder.children[i]; - = width; - } - } - } - } - - onMount(() => { - init = true; - root.addEventListener('focusout', hideSelect); - }); - - const writable_props = ['callback', 'options', 'value', 'valueindex']; - - Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => { - if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); - }); - - function span_binding($$value) { - binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => { - currentOption = $$value; - $$invalidate(6, currentOption); - }); - } - - function button_binding($$value) { - binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => { - currentOptionButton = $$value; - $$invalidate(7, currentOptionButton); - }); - } - - function button_binding_1($$value, i) { - binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => { - optionButtons[i] = $$value; - $$invalidate(5, optionButtons); - }); - } - - const click_handler = i => changeOption(i, callback); - - function div1_binding($$value) { - binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => { - optionsHolder = $$value; - $$invalidate(4, optionsHolder); - }); - } - - function div_binding($$value) { - binding_callbacks[$$value ? 'unshift' : 'push'](() => { - select = $$value; - $$invalidate(3, select); - }); - } - - $$self.$$set = $$props => { - if ('callback' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, callback = $$props.callback); - if ('options' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, options = $$props.options); - if ('value' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, value = $$props.value); - if ('valueindex' in $$props) $$invalidate(11, valueindex = $$props.valueindex); - }; - - $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ - onMount, - px2rem, - getTextWidth, - getCanvasFont, - callback, - options, - value, - valueindex, - root, - select, - optionsHolder, - optionButtons, - currentOption, - currentOptionButton, - init, - key, - obs, - setKeyValue, - setKeyIndex, - indexToValue, - changeVisibility, - changeOption, - hideSelect, - changeOptionsWidth - }); - - $$self.$inject_state = $$props => { - if ('callback' in $$props) $$invalidate(1, callback = $$props.callback); - if ('options' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, options = $$props.options); - if ('value' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, value = $$props.value); - if ('valueindex' in $$props) $$invalidate(11, valueindex = $$props.valueindex); - if ('root' in $$props) root = $$props.root; - if ('select' in $$props) $$invalidate(3, select = $$; - if ('optionsHolder' in $$props) $$invalidate(4, optionsHolder = $$props.optionsHolder); - if ('optionButtons' in $$props) $$invalidate(5, optionButtons = $$props.optionButtons); - if ('currentOption' in $$props) $$invalidate(6, currentOption = $$props.currentOption); - if ('currentOptionButton' in $$props) $$invalidate(7, currentOptionButton = $$props.currentOptionButton); - if ('init' in $$props) init = $$props.init; - if ('key' in $$props) $$invalidate(8, key = $$props.key); - if ('obs' in $$props) obs = $$props.obs; - }; - - if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) { - $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject); - } - - $$self.$$.update = () => { - if ($$self.$$.dirty & /*value, options*/ 5) { - setKeyValue(value, options); - } - - if ($$self.$$.dirty & /*valueindex, options*/ 2052) { - setKeyIndex(valueindex, options); - } - - if ($$self.$$.dirty & /*select, optionsHolder*/ 24) { - changeOptionsWidth(select, optionsHolder); - } - }; - - return [ - value, - callback, - options, - select, - optionsHolder, - optionButtons, - currentOption, - currentOptionButton, - key, - changeVisibility, - changeOption, - valueindex, - span_binding, - button_binding, - button_binding_1, - click_handler, - div1_binding, - div_binding - ]; -} - -class Select_component extends SvelteElement { - constructor(options) { - super(); - this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``; - - init( - this, - { - target: this.shadowRoot, - props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes), - customElement: true - }, - instance, - create_fragment, - safe_not_equal, - { - callback: 1, - options: 2, - value: 0, - valueindex: 11 - }, - null - ); - - if (options) { - if ( { - insert_dev(, this, options.anchor); - } - - if (options.props) { - this.$set(options.props); - flush(); - } - } - } - - static get observedAttributes() { - return ["callback", "options", "value", "valueindex"]; - } - - get callback() { - return this.$$.ctx[1]; - } - - set callback(callback) { - this.$$set({ callback }); - flush(); - } - - get options() { - return this.$$.ctx[2]; - } - - set options(options) { - this.$$set({ options }); - flush(); - } - - get value() { - return this.$$.ctx[0]; - } - - set value(value) { - this.$$set({ value }); - flush(); - } - - get valueindex() { - return this.$$.ctx[11]; - } - - set valueindex(valueindex) { - this.$$set({ valueindex }); - flush(); - } -} - -customElements.define("select-component", Select_component); - -export { Select_component as default }; +import{S as t,i as e,a as r,b as i,k as o,s as n,e as l,n as s,f as a,h as d,o as u,t as c,c as h,u as p,l as f,g as m,m as v,p as b,j as g,q as w}from"./index-04d7984b.js";import{px2rem as y,getTextWidth as x,getCanvasFont as $}from"../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/miscTools.js";function k(t,e,r){const i=t.slice();return i[26]=e[r],i[27]=e,i[28]=r,i}function z(t){let e,r,o,n,s,a,u=t[26]+"",p=t[28];const f=()=>t[14](e,p),g=()=>t[14](null,p);function w(){return t[15](t[28])}return{c(){e=l("button"),r=l("span"),o=c(u),n=h(),e.value=t[28]},m(t,l){i(t,e,l),m(e,r),m(r,o),m(e,n),f(),s||(a=v(e,"click",w),s=!0)},p(e,r){t=e,4&r&&u!==(u=t[26]+"")&&b(o,u),p!==t[28]&&(g(),p=t[28],f())},d(t){t&&d(e),g(),s=!1,a()}}}function L(t){let e,r,o,n,s,u,w,y,x,$,L,j=(null!=t[0]?t[0]:"")+"",M=t[2],T=[];for(let e=0;ee==t));r(6,n.innerHTML=t,n),r(5,p[i].style.display="none",p),r(11,c=i)}r(8,f+=1)}}function b(t,e){null!=t&&null!=e&&e[t]!=d&&(r(0,d=e[t]),r(8,f+=1))}function g(){"none","initial",o):r(4,"none",o)}function k(t,e){r(11,c=t),r(0,d=a[t]),null!=e&&null!=e&&e(t)}function z(){r(4,"none",o)}function L(t,e){let r;if(null!=t&&null!=e){let i=getComputedStyle(t).getPropertyValue("--width");if(isNaN(i)||""==i){if(null==m)return m=new ResizeObserver((()=>L(t,e))),void m.observe(l);i=getComputedStyle(l).getPropertyValue("width"),r=y(parseFloat(i.slice(0,i.length-2)))}else r=parseFloat(i.slice(0,i.length-2));let o=[];for(let t=0;tr){let t=1.1*n+"rem";;for(let r=0;r{n=t,r(6,n)}))}function M(t){w[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{l=t,r(7,l)}))}function T(t,e){w[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{p[e]=t,r(5,p)}))}u((()=>{h.addEventListener("focusout",z)}));const E=t=>k(t,s);function H(t){w[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{o=t,r(4,o)}))}function R(t){w[t?"unshift":"push"]((()=>{i=t,r(3,i)}))}return t.$$set=t=>{"callback"in t&&r(1,s=t.callback),"options"in t&&r(2,a=t.options),"value"in t&&r(0,d=t.value),"valueindex"in t&&r(11,c=t.valueindex)},t.$$.update=()=>{5&t.$$.dirty&&v(d,a),2052&t.$$.dirty&&b(c,a),24&t.$$.dirty&&L(i,o)},[d,s,a,i,o,p,n,l,f,g,k,c,j,M,T,E,H,R]}class T extends t{constructor(t){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",e(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:r(this.attributes),customElement:!0},M,j,n,{callback:1,options:2,value:0,valueindex:11},null),t&&(,this,t.anchor),t.props&&(this.$set(t.props),o()))}static get observedAttributes(){return["callback","options","value","valueindex"]}get callback(){return this.$$.ctx[1]}set callback(t){this.$$set({callback:t}),o()}get options(){return this.$$.ctx[2]}set options(t){this.$$set({options:t}),o()}get value(){return this.$$.ctx[0]}set value(t){this.$$set({value:t}),o()}get valueindex(){return this.$$.ctx[11]}set valueindex(t){this.$$set({valueindex:t}),o()}}customElements.define("select-component",T);export{T as default}; diff --git a/Server/public/js/components/switch-component.js b/Server/public/js/components/switch-component.js index 46bf41f..8d164eb 100644 --- a/Server/public/js/components/switch-component.js +++ b/Server/public/js/components/switch-component.js @@ -1,209 +1 @@ - -(function(l, r) { if (!l || l.getElementById('livereloadscript')) return; r = l.createElement('script'); r.async = 1; r.src = '//' + ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1'; = 'livereloadscript'; l.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(r) })(self.document); -import { S as SvelteElement, i as init, a as attribute_to_object, b as insert_dev, p as flush, s as safe_not_equal, d as dispatch_dev, c as validate_slots, o as onMount, e as element, f as space, n as noop, j as attr_dev, g as add_location, k as append_dev, w as listen_dev, l as detach_dev, B as run_all } from './index-3e97afc8.js'; -import { px2rem, getTextWidth, getCanvasFont } from '../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/miscTools.js'; - -/* src\components\switch-component.svelte generated by Svelte v3.52.0 */ -const file = "src\\components\\switch-component.svelte"; - -function create_fragment(ctx) { - let label; - let input; - let t; - let span; - let mounted; - let dispose; - - const block = { - c: function create() { - label = element("label"); - input = element("input"); - t = space(); - span = element("span"); - this.c = noop; - attr_dev(input, "type", "checkbox"); - add_location(input, file, 39, 4, 804); - attr_dev(span, "class", "switch-span"); - add_location(span, file, 40, 4, 880); - attr_dev(label, "class", "switch"); - add_location(label, file, 38, 0, 776); - }, - l: function claim(nodes) { - throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option"); - }, - m: function mount(target, anchor) { - insert_dev(target, label, anchor); - append_dev(label, input); - input.checked = /*checked*/ ctx[0]; - append_dev(label, t); - append_dev(label, span); - - if (!mounted) { - dispose = [ - listen_dev(input, "change", /*input_change_handler*/ ctx[4]), - listen_dev(input, "click", /*toggleClick*/ ctx[1], false, false, false) - ]; - - mounted = true; - } - }, - p: function update(ctx, [dirty]) { - if (dirty & /*checked*/ 1) { - input.checked = /*checked*/ ctx[0]; - } - }, - i: noop, - o: noop, - d: function destroy(detaching) { - if (detaching) detach_dev(label); - mounted = false; - run_all(dispose); - } - }; - - dispatch_dev("SvelteRegisterBlock", { - block, - id:, - type: "component", - source: "", - ctx - }); - - return block; -} - -function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) { - let { $$slots: slots = {}, $$scope } = $$props; - validate_slots('switch-component', slots, []); - let { callback = null } = $$props; - let { checked = false } = $$props; - - const toggle = () => { - let f = () => { - if (callback != null) { - $$invalidate(0, checked = !checked); - callback(); - } else { - toggle(); - } - }; - - setTimeout(f, 100); - }; - - function toggleClick() { - if (callback != null) { - $$invalidate(0, checked = !checked); - callback(); - } - } - - // Main code - onMount(() => { - - }); - - const writable_props = ['callback', 'checked']; - - Object.keys($$props).forEach(key => { - if (!~writable_props.indexOf(key) && key.slice(0, 2) !== '$$' && key !== 'slot') console.warn(` was created with unknown prop '${key}'`); - }); - - function input_change_handler() { - checked = this.checked; - $$invalidate(0, checked); - } - - $$self.$$set = $$props => { - if ('callback' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, callback = $$props.callback); - if ('checked' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, checked = $$props.checked); - }; - - $$self.$capture_state = () => ({ - onMount, - px2rem, - getTextWidth, - getCanvasFont, - callback, - checked, - toggle, - toggleClick - }); - - $$self.$inject_state = $$props => { - if ('callback' in $$props) $$invalidate(2, callback = $$props.callback); - if ('checked' in $$props) $$invalidate(0, checked = $$props.checked); - }; - - if ($$props && "$$inject" in $$props) { - $$self.$inject_state($$props.$$inject); - } - - return [checked, toggleClick, callback, toggle, input_change_handler]; -} - -class Switch_component extends SvelteElement { - constructor(options) { - super(); - this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = ``; - - init( - this, - { - target: this.shadowRoot, - props: attribute_to_object(this.attributes), - customElement: true - }, - instance, - create_fragment, - safe_not_equal, - { callback: 2, checked: 0, toggle: 3 }, - null - ); - - if (options) { - if ( { - insert_dev(, this, options.anchor); - } - - if (options.props) { - this.$set(options.props); - flush(); - } - } - } - - static get observedAttributes() { - return ["callback", "checked", "toggle"]; - } - - get callback() { - return this.$$.ctx[2]; - } - - set callback(callback) { - this.$$set({ callback }); - flush(); - } - - get checked() { - return this.$$.ctx[0]; - } - - set checked(checked) { - this.$$set({ checked }); - flush(); - } - - get toggle() { - return this.$$.ctx[3]; - } - - set toggle(value) { - throw new Error(": Cannot set read-only property 'toggle'"); - } -} - -customElements.define("switch-component", Switch_component); - -export { Switch_component as default }; +import{S as t,i as e,a as s,b as c,k as i,s as a,e as r,c as o,n as h,f as n,g as l,m as d,h as p,v as u,o as b}from"./index-04d7984b.js";import"../../../../../../../../../js/libraries/miscTools.js";function k(t){let e,s,i,a,b,k;return{c(){e=r("label"),s=r("input"),i=o(),a=r("span"),this.c=h,n(s,"type","checkbox"),n(a,"class","switch-span"),n(e,"class","switch")},m(r,o){c(r,e,o),l(e,s),s.checked=t[0],l(e,i),l(e,a),b||(k=[d(s,"change",t[4]),d(s,"click",t[1])],b=!0)},p(t,[e]){1&e&&(s.checked=t[0])},i:h,o:h,d(t){t&&p(e),b=!1,u(k)}}}function g(t,e,s){let{callback:c=null}=e,{checked:i=!1}=e;const a=()=>{setTimeout((()=>{null!=c?(s(0,i=!i),c()):a()}),100)};return b((()=>{})),t.$$set=t=>{"callback"in t&&s(2,c=t.callback),"checked"in t&&s(0,i=t.checked)},[i,function(){null!=c&&(s(0,i=!i),c())},c,a,function(){i=this.checked,s(0,i)}]}class m extends t{constructor(t){super(),this.shadowRoot.innerHTML="",e(this,{target:this.shadowRoot,props:s(this.attributes),customElement:!0},g,k,a,{callback:2,checked:0,toggle:3},null),t&&(,this,t.anchor),t.props&&(this.$set(t.props),i()))}static get observedAttributes(){return["callback","checked","toggle"]}get callback(){return this.$$.ctx[2]}set callback(t){this.$$set({callback:t}),i()}get checked(){return this.$$.ctx[0]}set checked(t){this.$$set({checked:t}),i()}get toggle(){return this.$$.ctx[3]}}customElements.define("switch-component",m);export{m as default};